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A Study of the Relationship between Incentive Rewards, Employee Characteristics and Job Satisfaction-A Empirical Research of High-Tech Industries in Taiwan





Exploring job satisfaction of employees from various industries, has great benefits to evaluate the outcome of human resource management and net economic welfare. Many researches indicated that lifting up one's job satisfaction could effectively reduce the rate of turnover and going slow-down. The object of this paper was to find out the influence of incentive rewards of Taiwan high-tech industries and employee characteristics over job satisfaction, integrated the theory of motivation, incentive rewards and job satisfaction, then constructed a research framework. Employees of 125 public listed and OTC high-tech companies were samples for survey research. Four dimensions of job satisfaction such as general wages & fringe benefits, leading & coordination, job development and job loading were picked out via factor analysis. Implementing the stepwise regression, the research found the level of intrinsic rewards, extrinsic financial rewards and non-financial rewards would affect the degree of each dimension of job satisfaction, and then two kinds of variables had positive relationship. Practiced one-way ANOVA and t-test analysis, job satisfaction moved in the same way with age, position, seniority and work experience of employees. Using two-way ANOVA analysis changes of job satisfaction under the interaction of incentive rewards and employee characteristics, found that sex, marriage, education, position and employed duration combined with distinct incentive rewards, have conspicuous interactions to influence job satisfaction.


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