  • 期刊


Current Research on Taiwanese Immigration to Australia


本文的目的是藉由回顧與澳洲台灣移民研究相關的文獻,以了解台灣移民在澳洲的生活狀況,並對於政策的制定及未來研究方向提供建議。從澳洲普查資料中得知,台灣移民有年輕化的趨勢,教育程度高,並且認為自己英文能力是好的。然而在近期僑委會調查報告中卻發現,有近四分之一的台灣出生移民認為自己的英文能力不好,文化及語言的障礙成為他們在澳洲求職的最大困擾。同時由於欠缺當地文化資本、專業證照不被承認,以及在經濟上沒有迫切需求,也不願意做比較低下工作的態度影響,以及受到種族歧視,造成他們在澳洲的就業率與當地人及同為華人的中國大陸及香港比起來並不理想。自行創業者雖然在抵澳前後的行業及職業不變,但在經濟規模上卻比在台灣時縮小許多,造成部份移民回流的現象。在移民的居住地選擇與流動方面,台灣移民在選擇居住地時會考量子女就學需求、妻子兒女交通便利及安全、購物方便、風水等因素。當他們初抵澳洲時,會選在親友居住的鄰近地區,等到熟悉當地環境之後才開始依照自己的需要找尋居住地,並擴大選擇的範圍。台灣移民在澳洲的住屋擁有率高,除了自身的經濟實力外,他們選擇居住地的決策機制在於需求、能力與適應的歷程三者要素間的相互影響,並從家庭觀點做整體思考。 許多台灣家庭由於「太空人」的現象而導致了女性戶長家庭的增加,並造成台灣出生移民的性比例偏低。部分太空人家庭中的「單棲媽媽」原本在台灣職場上具有舉足輕重的地位,移民後卻離開勞動市場及原來的人際網絡,在跨國家庭中,擔負照料子女的工作,成為全職家庭主婦。她們不斷掙扎著如何在小孩與先生的需求之間取得平衡,並承受在新環境下的不利因素。她們在遷移後雖安定地居住在當地,卻在地方上發展出另一種人際互動網絡,顯現出特殊的適應方式,呈現出全球化遷移下的另一種地方化。 在年輕移民的適應與回流方面,主要討論的是在台灣出生,之後隨父母移民的小孩在澳洲的生活適應及長大後的就業與回流情形。年輕移民回流台灣主要是為了尋求更好的工作機會和發展,並受到家庭團聚、找對象及對台灣的情感等多重因素的影響,不回流的主因則為已經習慣澳洲。年輕移民在澳洲必須面臨英語能力不足、課業壓力、家庭型態和人際關係改變等適應問題,並因此影響到他們的身分認同。年輕移民的文化認同則是融合台、澳文化元素的雙重文化認同。 本文為綜合性的探討,顯示出移民問題的多元性和複雜性,對政策制定的啓示為:不論是移出國或移入國,都應考慮到移民的特殊性,以期制訂出有效且合理的移民政策。


The diversity of international migration patterns occurring in Taiwan opens up new research frontiers and has significant implications for population policies. This paper examines past and current research on international migration in Taiwan, focusing on recent studies on Taiwanese immigrants to Australia. This overview summarizes the background, methodology, major findings, as well as policy implications. Among the New Asian immigrants heading for developed countries, Taiwanese immigrants have moved for similar but different reasons from other Chinese speaking countries, such as China and Hong Kong. Rapid economic growth in Taiwan, political tension across the strait, and the introduction of economic business migration policies by various countries targeting skilled and entrepreneurial groups come foremost. The desire for better education for their children, pursuits for a better life style, and the relaxation of restrictions permitting citizens to go abroad as tourists starting in 1989, are also critical factors in the decision to move overseas, mainly to the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The Census shows that Taiwan-born business and skilled migrants who settle in Australia have high unemployment rates despite being well educated and fairly affluent. Through in-depth interviews, the results indicate that Taiwanese immigrants find it difficult to secure employment, start profitable businesses, and adapt to the host society. The integration challenges include: lack of fluency in English, different social and cultural milieu, lack of familiarity with Australian business culture and labor relations, complex rules and regulations governing the establishment of business enterprises, small size of the market, high taxes, and lack of willingness to take up work not commensurate with their education and economic background. On the other hand, a high homeownership rate among Taiwanese migrants has been found, indicating a reward for their quest for a better life-style offered by their home country. The locational decisions and residential preferences of Taiwanese migrants in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne are studied in detail. The main reasons for choosing to settle in Sydney are favorable business opportunities, and the northern part of Sydney is preferred. Those who chose Brisbane are attracted by the good climate there, and the residents preferred the Sunnybank area. Melbourne is chosen for the good education it offers, and areas on transportation lines near good schools are selected. Their locational choice depends on income and housing budget, proximity to good schools, shopping centers, and information from friends or earlier migrants. Changes for residential choice reflects individual preferences and experiences, life-cycles, and fluctuating housing prices. While the age-sex structure of Taiwanese immigrants is in favor of young males in the age group of 15-24 and women between 35-54, these two groups are seldom studied as they are ”passive” movers in the male-dominated household. A gender-sensitive dimension has been taken to understand the experiences and types of problems faced by women who stay in Australia with their children during their education, while the migrant men moved back to Taiwan or other countries to make a living. Being excluded from the labor market, the women living as ”tan chi ma ma” try to balance the needs of the husbands and the children, and suffering a number of disadvantages in their new environment. However, they frequently enjoyed an autonomy and freedom from responsibilities that they had to fulfill toward their extended families in Taiwan. Apart from the mutual support and bonds among other migrant women, they benefited considerably from their participation in Taiwanese associations of various kinds, including working as volunteers in the host society. While an increasing number of immigrants returned from their host countries, this new pattern of circular Chinese diaspora has never been studied. A preliminary research on young first generation Taiwanese immigrants to Australia shows an increasing number of returning young Taiwanese migrants who has finished their education in Australia. While joining the job market for the first time and establishing their careers in Taiwan, their adaptation and their self-identities between the two societies are complex in substance. Before returning, most of them have evaluated both the advantages and disadvantages of job markets in Taiwan and Australia. In addition, reunions with their families in Taiwan, search for potential spouse, and their affection towards Taiwan have all been important factors to effect their decisions. Due to their constant need to adapt to both Taiwanese and Australian environments, they have developed a dual identity that encompasses both cultures, in which they strive to seek after the best of the two worlds.


蔡璿(2012)。溫哥華台灣移民青少年的自我身分認同 與生活空間形塑研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315281364
