  • 期刊


Photoelastic Analysis for Lower Anterior Crowding Treatment with Different Bracket Systems


牙齒擁擠常常是令人困擾的問題,主要是因為不美觀,而且清潔不易,進而容易併發牙周病或齟齒的問題,也因此成為病人尋求矯正治療的主要訴求。近年來隨著矯正裝置與材料工程的發展與進步,進而於有所謂“自鎖性矯正器”的出現,它除了強調不需像傳統矯正方式必須在每顆牙齒上綁入結紮線(ligature wire)以外,也強調在搭配超彈性矯正線的情況下,能有效降低牙齒移動時產生的磨擦力與提供很輕的矯正力量,來快速而有效的完成初期的牙齒平齊化效用,但對於臨床上各種不同的治療結果,其在骨骼中所造成的應力分佈仍未有深入的探討。 本實驗主要藉由具有光彈性質的環氧樹脂來模擬齒槽骨,並利用樹脂牙齒排列來模擬下顎前牙擁擠的情形,接著使用較細的超彈性矯正線(0.014 inch),並搭配不同的矯正器與不同的綁法來觀察牙齒受力的情形。結果發現,牙根間應力在自鎖性矯正器組中明顯降低許多而本實驗之結果將可提供有用的數據協助臨床醫師解決下顎前牙擁擠之相關問題。


牙齒擁擠 光彈分析


Dental crowding is a perplexing problem, mainly due to its unesthetics. Also its difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene may cause problems like periodontal disease and caries as well. Therefore, it is suite often the chief complaint of patient in daily orthodontic practice. The recent development of orthodontic appliances like self-ligation brackets in combination of superelastic NiTi archwire helps to achieve initial phase of aligning teeth efficiently in light force. However, manufacturers only provide data of clinical result, and lack the discussion of stress distribution. Photoelasticity has been used in analyzing force distribution for a long time. It produces different colored flanges that can be observed as the guide of stress distribution. In our experiment, several models are set with mal-aligned teeth and silicone index in the epoxy resin to simulate situation of lower anterior crowding. Different bracket systems, including conventional brackets and self-ligation brackets, with 0.014 inch NiTi wires are investigated for the acting effect on stress distribution. In result, we found that there was less stress distribution concentrated along the root surfaces when self-ligation brackets were used. We concluded that self-ligation brackets can result in less force concentrated on the apical portion of the root. We think this study can provide another method of thinking in dealing with lower anterior crowding.


crowding photoelastic
