

矯正治療傳統診斷工具為測顱X光片配合石膏模型和臨床照片,作為擬定治療計畫的依據。然而隨著數位化時代的來臨,3D數位牙科模型將逐漸取代傳統體積龐大的大量石膏模型,成為未來不可避免的趨勢。本篇文獻回顧主要目的為探討:(1) 數位牙科模型。(2) 矯正治療前後上褶皺(palatal rugae)的穩定性。(3) 透過重疊於上褶皺和上穹窿(palatal vault),做一系列治療前後3D數位牙科模型重疊,來分析治療前後各顆牙齒於3D的移動方向和移動量。綜合過去文獻的回顧,可得知上顎的數位模型重疊於上褶皺是具有可信度的,然而下顎模型卻尚未找出可作為直接數位模型重疊的穩定標誌(landmark)。未來展望:將數位模型與牙科電腦斷層掃描做結合,並透過系列數位牙科模型重疊於上褶皺和上穹窿,來分析各顆牙齒之3D變化量,進而建立一套全新的3D診斷工具和方法。


The cephalometric radiography, dental model, intra-oral and extra-oral photos are essential traditional baseline data as orthodontic diagnostic tool to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. With the advent of the digital era, 3D digital dental model will gradually replace the traditional bulky plaster casts, and become an inevitable trend in the future. The purpose of this review article was to discuss about: (1) Digital dental models. (2) Pre-treatment and post-treatment stability of palatal rugae. (3) Via serial 3D digital dental model superimposition registered on palatal rugae and palatal vault, it is feasible to analysis the direction and magnitude of 3D individual tooth movement after orthodontic treatment. According to a comprehensive review of the literature, it is reliable to register on palatal rugae for 3D serial maxillary digital dental model superimposition. However, none of these studies demonstrated mandibular digital dental model superimposition directly since no stable reference landmark was established. Future Prospects: Via integration of digital dental models into cone beam computed tomography scans, and 3D serial digital dental model superimposition registered on palatal rugae and palatal vault, it is feasible to measure individual 3D tooth movement, and the most important construct a brand new 3D diagnostic tool and analysis method.

