  • 期刊


Corrections of Hand-Stand Technique Errors in Athletic Gymnastics




基本技術 教練 訓練 保護


Hand-stands are one of the most important fundamental elements in athletic gymnastics; however, only a few gymnasts in Taiwan are able to perform them correctly. This article aims to rectify the flaws through revision of training techniques. Through a series of investigations and reviews on relevant literature and supportive photos and images, the findings of this article indicated that head raising, squared shoulders, protracted shoulders, and hip over-extension were the mistakes Taiwanese gymnasts make most frequently when executing hand-stands. Therefore, both modified stationary (lying and wall-supported) and dynamic hand-stands (including arm stretching, back curving and core musculature training) were proposed, as well as protective measures and shoulder flexibility training. The recommendations gradually and incrementally apply new training techniques for gymnasts to achieve correct body alignment. These techniques are a reference for gymnastic coaches and gymnasts that would help athletes perform hand-stand patterns with accuracy and stability.


basic technique coaching training protection


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