  • 期刊


The Body Experience of a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


本文描述一位初次診斷全身性紅斑性狼瘡女性在第一次住院治療期間經歷診斷與治療的身體經驗。筆者於2013年9月2日至9月10日臨床實務成長參與個案照顧,在個案住院期間進行二次深入訪談,依Giorgi現象學研究法的精神進行資料的收集與分析。結果發現出本個案的身體經驗本質涵蓋三個主題一、殘酷的身體體驗﹔二、對類固醇的愛與恨;三、被病牽制的身體。希望藉由瞭解此個案複雜多樣的親身經驗,讓護理人員在臨床現場不僅只照顧生物的身體(biological body),更能發揮讓理專業關懷的精神,同理病患受苦的經驗,給予心理支持,並提供符合個案需求的訊息,協助患者早日調適疾病。


This report describes a nursing experience of caring for a female patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. The author took care of the patient from October 2 to 9, 2013. Utilizing Giorgi's phenomenological research method, the author conducted two extensive personal interviews with the patient for data collection. Three major themes were outlined based on the patient's body experience: brutal body experiences, ambivalent feelings about steroid and a diseased-cramped body. By sharing this patient's body experience, the author hopes that other nurses may learn not only how to care for their patients' biological body, but also how to better alleviate their patients' suffering.
