  • 期刊


Implanting Multiple Strategies to Improve Nursing Staff When Conducting Patient's Bowel Cleanliness for Colonoscopy




Colonoscopy is an important tool for diagnosing colorectal cancer. Adequate and good cleansing in colon and rectum is associated with the completeness and success rate of colonoscopy. According to the record of bowel cleanliness in fibrous colonoscopy from January to April 2019, there were only 57.4% of examined patients who had adequate colon preparation before this procedure. This result was far from the current high quality colonoscopy targeting over 90% of examined patients with an excellent or good bowel preparation before colonoscopy. This urges us to improve the situation. The current issues include firstly the differences in cognitive knowledge and practical procedures of colon preparation between clinical staff members; secondly, inadequate bowel cleanliness rate was low because the examined patients did not completely understand the instructions for colon preparation. This project is aimed to increase the percentage of colonoscopy cleanliness by the following strategies: regular staff education, update the health education leaflet, using standard tools and multimedia for patient's evaluation and education, as well as communication via LINE group. Finally, the cleanliness of colon rate in colonoscopy was increased from 57.4% to 90.3%; the cognition for bowel preparation steps and ability to perform adequate bowel preparation were raised from 64.4% to 93.1% and from 60.5% to 92.7%, and reached the goal of this project. This project had successfully promote staff's ability to carry out patient education and their bowel preparations before colonoscopy.


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