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Occupational Health Psychology: Opportunities and Challenges for Psychologists in the 21st Century


為了找出那些能夠降低由於職業壓力、疾病和傷害而造成的人員與財物損失的方法,職場健康心理學(Occupational Health Psychology, OHP)在過去的幾十年問,已經發展成為心理學的一個新領域。其目標在於理解並改善工作生活品質,以及建立健康的工作環境。OHP並不是一個僅肇發於工業組織心理學與健康心理學的學科;相反地,它是一個科際整合的領域,綜合了不同類型的心理學(例如工業組織、健康、臨床、認知)以及其他的職場健康學科(例如人類工程學、流行病學、工業衛生、職業醫學)。本文首先介紹OHP的歷史根源、定義,略覽OHP的研究與實務、心理學家在OHP的角色;此外,簡要描述北美與歐洲的OHP研究所,以及不同的OHP專業組織;最後,討論OHP做為一個領域的未來挑戰。


To address ways of reducing human and financial losses due to occupational stress, illness, and injuries, occupational health psychology (OHP) has emerged over the past several decades as a specialty within psychology. Its goals are to understand and improve the quality of work life and to build healthy work places. OHP is not simply a discipline merged from industrial/organization (IO) psychology and health psychology. Instead, it is an interdisciplinary specialty which blends different types of psychology (e.g., IO, health, clinical, cognitive) with other occupational health disciplines (e.g., ergonomics, epidemiology, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine). In the current paper, we first present the historical roots of OHP, followed by its definition, a survey of OHP research and practices, and an explanation of the role of psychologists in OHP. In addition, the training programs in North America and Europe and different OHP communities are briefly described. Finally, future challenges for OHP as a field are discussed.


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