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Suicide Survey and Trend Analysis in the Emergency Department



目的:本研究的目的在於針對彰化縣地區自殺原因、方式、年紀、性別、月份與結果做探討,以做為未來自殺防治策略之應用參考。方法:自2001 到2007 年,我們收集所有在彰化秀傳紀念醫院急診的自殺案例,並做了一般調查及結構分析。所有的案例依時間順序每年每月記錄比較的項目包括個案數,性別,年紀,自殺原因,自殺方式、自殺月份及結果。結果:總共收集836 名病患,顯示近年來個案數有顯著的增加。主要年齡分布保持在20 到40 歲之間,但是仍顯示年輕化的趨勢。自殺性別仍以女性居多,但男性由七年前的20.8% 跳升至去年的46.7%,自殺月份仍以晚春初夏為主。自殺主要的原因從以男女感情為主轉變到以家庭事務問題為多,但是百分比維持不變。至於自殺的方式,以毒性物質仍為最多的自殺方式,因為取得及施用較為容易。結論:本文研究資料之彰化縣為限,可以說推測台灣已成高自殺率社會。近年來工作壓力及失業率之增加,政府不得不予以正視,給予21 到40 歲工作族群更多的關注與社會資源,畢竟自殺是可以預防的,早期認知自殺憂鬱的警訊,並能尋求適當的社會資源協助,是能避免自殺悲劇的遺憾。


自殺 自殺方式 自殺原因


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the demographic data and method changes in suicide attempts in the past 7 years. These analysis looked into suicide attempts in detail and can help design further preventive programs for suicide. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of all suicide cases in the Emergency Department of Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2007. Results: The most common method used in committing suicide is swallowing toxins such as liquid or solid materials which are easily accessible over the counter. The peak age is 20-40 years of age. Female suicides are more common but the male ratio increased from 20.8% to 41.2% and finally to 46.7% in 2007. The peak suicide attempt periods were the late spring and summer seasons. Conclusion: From our studies in Chang-Hua County, we can guess at the reasons for the high suicide rate in Taiwan society . The problems of work stress and unemployment are increasing, and the government should attach serious importance to this problem. Greater social assistance should be given to those between the ages of 21 to 40.
