  • 期刊


Rehabilitation Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient Having Intracranial Hemorrhage with Aphasia


本篇報告描述一位因車禍顱內出血導致呼吸困難、吞嚥障礙、肢體無力、喪失自我照顧能力與合併失語症之長期復健個案的照護經驗。護理期間自2007年7月19日至9月9日,筆者經由系統性會談與觀察,針對個案的生理、心理、社會與靈性需求,透過Gordon的11項功能健康模式,評估其主要的護理問題有:呼吸訓練障礙、身體活動功能障礙、自我照顧能力缺失與言辭溝通障礙。 護理過程著重在把握顱內出血後3至6個月的復健黃金期,除以物理治療與職能治療提升個案健側的活動度外,並透過呼吸訓練、語言訓練、吞嚥訓練,使個案能由鼻呼吸、由口進食,同時強化其現有生理功能,以達到部份自我照顧能力。冀望本文之照護經驗,能為日後長期照護此類病患建立正向的復健信念與自我肯定行為,從而使其具備重返日常居家生活之能力。


顱內出血 失語症 復健 長期照護


This case report describes the long-term rehabilitation nursing experience caring for a car accident victim suffering from respiratory hardship, swallowing impedance, limb weakness, loss of self-care capability and the complication with aphasia. Between 2007/7/19 to 2007/9/9, through systematic interview and observation, the author focused on physiological, social and spiritual demands, by using the Gorden 11-Function Health Model, to evaluate some major nursing problems like the impedance to respiration training, the impedance to bodily mobility functions, loss of self-care capability and the impedance to linguistic communication. The nursing effort was emphasized on a-month-long golden nursing period after intracranial hemorrhage. In additional to physical remedy and occupational rehabilitation to improves bodily mobility, also, the respiration training, lingual training and swallow training were implemented to enable the subject to respire with his nose and eat with his mouth. Meanwhile, the physical functions were also enhanced with his self-care capabilities reaching a certain extent. It was hoped that the nursing experience mentioned in this article could inspire the rehabilitation faith and self-affirmation behaviors positively for long-tern effort on patient nursing. Thus, patients could be trained with necessary capabilities in restoring to normal daily life ultimately.


