  • 期刊


Pilot Study on Sexual Education for Teenagers by Physicians


桃園縣政府衛生招募醫師進駐校園,推廣青少年性教育的課程,協助青春期的學生,獲得正確兩性交往觀念、知識、避孕及性疾病預防等觀念。本研究目的便是說明課程的設計及評估教學成效,期提供往後的教學方式與內容改進之參考。 課程內容是以power point製作,統一提供給認養醫師。研究方法為於民國94年3月至6月,共派出14位醫生對桃園地區14所國中,高中,高職及夜校進行1小時的性教育課程。在性教育課程完成後,請學生填寫性知識、態度及滿意度的問卷,問卷採不記名。 有效樣本數為3161份,回應率為97.2%。研究結果發現學生對性認識的平均認同率為69.1%。性態度之行為意向的平均認同率為78.3%。性知識的平均答對比例為51.6%。平均滿意度為3.84分,介於滿意與中立意見之間。 以醫師到校園進行性教育是可行的,但即使在醫師給予性教育課程後一,學生的性知識仍偏低,性態度中的認知及行為意向性則較佳。滿意度則尚有改善的空間。由於沒有前測的資料,無法確認性教育的成效。將來問卷應進行信效度檢定;問卷應增加性別的選項,可供探討男女在性態度的差異。建議醫師應事先進行統一的訓練課程,以減少課程間的差異。對於有較高性行為的學生,應增加性教育的時效,期望校園性教育能有更完善的評估和推動。


介入成效 性教育 青少年 醫師


Aim: This study was the Public Health Bureau of Taoyuan County recruited physicians to provide sexual education for students who were at junior high, senior high, vocational or night schools at Taoyuan. to report the intervention effect of the sexual education program and gave suggestion. Methods: During March and June, 2005, 14 physicians gave sexual education to 14 schools. The same teaching material, in a power point format, was provided to all participated physicians. One-hour sexual education was given. An anonymous questionnaire about sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and satisfaction, was given to every attended student after the education program. Results: a total of 3161 (97.2%) students returned their questionnaire. The proportion of sexual cognition and intention was 69.1% and 78.3%, respectively. The correctness of sexual knowledge was only 51.6%. The overall satisfaction was 3.84, between satisfactory and no comment. Conclusions and suggestionsare: even after 1 hour sexual education, students' sexual knowledge was still very low. Sexual attitude was slightly higher. There was still room to improve satisfaction of the education program. As the program did not collect pre-trial data, it is difficult to evaluate the effect of sexual education by physicians. For the further prospectives, validity and reliability of the questionnaire should be establisher. Physicians should take a training course together in order to provide a consistent education program. Earlier intervention of the advanced sexual education should be considered for the highly sexual exposed students. We expect to have a better sexual education with a better evaluation system for teenagers in school through this program.
