  • 期刊

台湾人日本語学習者における 2音節単語の発話的特徴―中国語音読を通して―

Speech characteristics of two syllable words in Taiwanese learners of Japanese: Through the Chinese reading aloud


對於漢字圈的台灣人來說「拍」是一個十分不易理解的音韻單位,因此增加了台灣日語學習者在學習不熟悉的特殊拍或拗音時的難度。本論文針對台灣初級日語學習者進行音讀實驗,分析他們的發音時長,提出「非等時性的台灣人華語,擁有一特徵為二音節語詞的情況下,會將第二音節發得比第一音節要長」的假說,收集了同一組實驗對象的日語音讀及華語音讀進行分析、探討。結果顯示,台灣人華語確實有此傾向,並連帶影響了日語音讀的等時性。|For Taiwanese in the Chinese character circle, the "mora(拍)"is a very difficult to understand phonological unit. And it increases the difficulty of Taiwanese Japanese learners when learning special beats or cymbals that are not familiar to them. This dissertation conducted a pronunciation reading experiment for elementary Taiwanese learners of Taiwan, analyzed their pronunciation duration, and proposed that "non-isochronous Taiwanese Chinese, which has a characteristic of two-syllable words, will send the second syllable. It's longer than the first syllable. "The Japanese and Chinese phonetic readings of the same group of subjects were collected for analysis and discussion.


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窪薗晴夫・本間猛『音節とモーラ』 英語モノグラフシリーズ 15、 日本:研究社、2002 年
