  • 期刊


Reducing the Injury Rate to Staff Members from Violent Incidents


本專案旨在降低員工暴力事件中之受傷比率。由於精神科病房暴力事件頻傳,影響工作人員士氣,期望藉由本專案的執行能降低員工受傷比率及提昇暴力處理流程滿意度。經問卷調查發現同仁對暴力處理流程不滿意度達88%。現況分析後確認問題為 一、駐警人力不足 二、病患病情影響 三、處理暴力時態度不一致 四、工作人員訓練不足 五、負向經驗等因素造成。故設計暴力事件處理流程表,安排在職教育,定期舉辦病房暴力演練,增加駐警人力,單位護理長與醫師溝通病患用藥問題,結果顯示:員工暴力事件中之受傷比率由原來的33%降至14%,暴力處理流程其滿意度由12%提昇至66%,顯示專案的實施可增進護理人員處理暴力事件的能力,減少職業及身心傷害,增進工作滿意度,並建立明確的暴力處置方案,病患亦能獲得較高品質的處理及護理。


暴力 滿意度 護理


This special project aims were to reduce the injury rate to staff members from incidents of violence. Because these incidents occurred frequently at psychiatric wards, these incidents influenced the morale of staff members. It is expected that this project can reduce the staff's injury rate and increase the satisfaction with the procedures to resolve violent incidents. Based on a survey, 88% of the staff was strongly dissatisfied with the procedures to solve the incidents of violence. After analyzing the recent incidents, the specific issues were identified as follows. First, the number of security guards was not sufficient. Secondly, patients' conditions had a great impact on these incidents. Thirdly, the attitudes of dealing with the violence were inconsistent. Fourthly, the staff did not have enough training in dealing with these incidents. Lastly, these incidents result in negative experiences. Therefore, the standard procedure of handling violent incidents was introduced, job training was arranged, regular ward violence drills were held, security manpower was increased, and the chief nurse of every unit communicated with doctors about patients' medicine dosage. As a result, the injury rate to staff from violent incidents dropped from 33% to 14%, and the satisfaction with solving incidents of violence jumped from 12% to 66%. The implementation of this special project was shown to promote the nursing staffs abilities to deal with incidents of violence and enable the patients to obtain better quality of nursing care as well.


Violence Satisfaction Nursing


