  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experience in a Patient with Total Knee Arthroplasty




The present study aims to explore the nursing care for a patient with right knee joint deformity and limping for years, who underwent right total knee replacement. During the nursing period (Jan/20/2008 to Jan/27/2008), data was collected through observation, talking, listening, and anamnesis, We evaluated the patient using Gordon's functional health scale. The most obvious problems during hospitalization were anxiety, pain, impaired physical activity, and constipation. The nursing intervention included: (1) a teaching manual, multimedia videodisc device, artificial knee joint model, and acupressure massage to relax anxiety; (2) aromatherapy, music therapy and relax skills to release wound pain; (3) the explanation of the importance of scheduled rehabilitation and the demonstration of the rehabilitation movements to recover and maintain the range of motion of knee joint; and (4) the use of acupressure and massage on abdomen in order to improve stool.Based on the individual problem, we provided appropriate nursing care to release the physical problem and psychological discomfort, and lead the patient back to the normal daily activity.
