  • 期刊


The Imaginary Space and the Collective Memory in José María Merino's "El heredero and La sima"




想像 空間 集體記憶 孟利


José María Merino was born in 1941 in A Coruña. He is one of the most brilliant and Spanish novelists today. He is also a very important pioneer of fantastic and mythical literature of Spain. His literary output is quantitatively impressive and qualitatively impeccable, which has earned him many awards and prestige. The narrative form he has experimented with covers a wide range of genres from short story to poetry to literary essay. He creates a unique narrative world. Based on the refined lyric and concise language, through a series of amazing fantasy stories, this writer has described with success the characterization of failed heroes and the lost humanity. This research aims to investigate the presence and the treatment of the themes and the space of "El heredero and La sima". The first part is the study of the narrative structure of "El heredero and La sima". The second part is the investigation of the circulation between the imaginary space and real space. In the third part, we will view the interaction between the collective memory and the narrative space as well as their symbolic significance. Basically, the narrative space reflects both the complexity of human nature and the life full of problems and confusion of identities. The space is also an indissoluble link with the problematic and complex condition of the human being.


imaginary space collective memory Merino


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