  • 期刊


Exercise Intensity and the Physical Effects of 12-Week Shuttlecock-Playing in Young Male Adults


多樣性的運動項目供民眾選擇是助其養成規律運動習慣的因素之一,故驗證各種運動對生理之影響實屬必要。本研究為檢驗踢毽子活動的運動強度與運動效果,乃令16位體重正常之年輕男子隨機分成踢毽組(n=8, 22.0±2.0歲,66.2±8.6公斤)與對照組(n=8, 21.9±2.5歲,64.9±9.0公斤),前者進行一12週之踢毽運動計畫,後者則否。踢毽組每週任選3天進行踢毽運動,每回運動時採「踢10分鐘休息5分鐘」之連續循環模式,使每回總運動時間達30分鐘。踢毽運動計畫實施前(第0週)、後(第13週)量測並比較二組各項體能參數(組間:獨立樣本t-考驗;組內:相依樣本t-考驗;α=.05)。12週內踢毽組的運動心跳率(次/分鐘)範圍是在125±30到149±23之間,並觀察到腹部皮脂厚、收縮壓、連續踏車時間與髖關節屈曲角度等項目出現進步,而改善幅度優於控制組的項目則是體脂比與收縮壓。故12週踢毽運動計畫屬低至中強度的有氣運動,並能改善參與者的身體組成與血壓,但對下肢肌力/肌耐力以及身體柔軟度無影響。


民俗體育 體能 毽子


Since the variety choices of exercises is a factor to help people compose regular exercise behaviour, it is necessary to verify the effects of different exercises on physical fitness. To investigate the exercise-intensity and the physical effect of shuttlecock playing, 16 normal body weight young male volunteers were randomly divided into shuttlecock playing (SCP, n=8, 22.0±2.0 year-old, 66.2±8.6 kg) and control (n=8, 21.9±2.5 year-old, 64.9±9.0 kg) groups. The SCP undertook a 12-week shuttlecock-playing program, but the control group did not attend any special exercise activities. The program was arranged as the following: SCP accomplished 3 times per week in any different day, and subjects involved 3 continuous cycles of ”play 10 minutes, off 5 minutes” protocol to exercise for 30 minutes every time. The physical fitness parameters of both groups were measured pre-and post-exercise training. Data were analysed with unpaired students' t-test (inter-groups) and paired students' t-test (within-groups). A α value was set at .05. The abdominal skin fold, systolic blood pressure, continuing work time, and hip joint flexibility of SCP were improved significantly after the 12-week program. However, only the reduction percentages in abdominal skin fold and systolic blood pressure of SCP were significantly higher than those of the control group after exercise training. Thus, it was concluded that our 12-week shuttlecock-playing program was a low-to-medium intensity aerobic exercise and could partially promote the physical fitness for young males in body composition and aerobic fitness but not lower limb muscle strength/endurance and body flexibility.


folk sports physical fitness shuttlecocks


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