  • 期刊


An Investigation of Teachers' Perceptions and Actions in Carrying out Communication Policies in a Public School for the Deaf



本研究的目的,在調查台灣的台北啟聰學校教師們對校方教學溝通政策的意見,探索他們如何執行溝通政策,並檢視教師對溝通方法的認知與實際教室內的溝通模式間,是否有任何差異存在。研究者首先以一份「教師溝通行為問卷」發給全校教師,回收有效樣本共85份。其次,研究者針對13位教師(包括一位聾師)進行深入的個別訪問。之後,研究者實地觀察這些教師的上課教學情形,再佐以錄影帶,分析教師的教學溝通行為。最 後,研究者訪問16位高職部學生,了解他們對教師的溝通模式與溝通能力,及對從小到大所經驗的教師溝通模式的看法。所有資料視需要予以質或量的分析。研究結果顯示,“綜合溝通法”為全體教師所認同的名詞;但其定義紛紜。教師所使用的溝通模式,在高職部與國中部主要是口手併用法(口語與文法手語);在國小部主要是用口手併用法和國語口手語法。有少部分的教師在口手併用法內,加入自然手語。不論在剛任教時或目前,聾師均自認比聽師更精通於表達性、接受性的溝通,與自然手語。與剛任教時的溝通能力相較,所有的教師均表示他們的溝通能力已顯著進步。教師在教學時遇到溝通問題時,以寫黑板、使用類似文意的手語、自然手語、臉部表情、姿勢及身體語言、角色扮演或表演、及視聽媒體等法,來解決問題。教師同意未來的教師,須具備基本的自然手語與文法手語的能力。半數教師的溝通模式,在訪問與錄影帶的觀察間不一致;而且,教師自認的溝通能力,與被觀察到的溝通能力之間,並沒有相關。然而,教師的溝通能力,與學生理解教師的訊息程度,具有相關;並且,由教師的溝通能力,能預測學生理解教師訊息的程度。高中的聾生喜歡教師使用口手併用法;自然手語和文法手語都平等地為學生所接受。教師的建議,強調在職前的師資訓練與在職訓練中,增進教師的手語能力。本研究的結果,呼籲一個更健全、清楚的綜合溝通政策,及更有效督導教師溝通行為的系統。大學的特教系聽障組,應提供手語課,此外,有關單位亦應評量未來教 師的基本溝通能力,以擴大學生的學習能力。本研究受限於很小的師生樣本,因此推論有限。未來有必要再做進一步的研究,以驗證初步研究。




The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' opinions on school communication policies in a public shcool for the deaf in Taiwan, to examine how they carried out the communication policies, and to examine any possible discrepanices between the teachers' percptions of their communication methods and the actual communication modes used in the classroom.Questionnaires were distributed to all 85 teachers. In addition, thirteen teachers (twelve hearing and one deaf) from the elementary to the high school level were chosen as subjects for in depth personal interviews. This was followed by direct classroom observation in conjunction with videotape recordings. Interviews with 16 senior high school level deaf students were included to discover their opinions about the teachers' communication modes and abilities, and about the communication modes they experienced in the school. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.The study revealed that ”total communication” was a broad term which all teachers agreed on and used as an umbrella term. The main communication modes used by teachers were simultaneous communication-oral and Grammatical Sign Language (GSL) at the junior and senior high school levels and simultaneous communication and the Mandarin Oral-Manual method at the elementary school level. Natural Sign Language (NSL) was used by a few teachers to add to their simultaneous communication. Deaf teachers (N=11) felt more competent than hearing tachers (N=74) in both expressive and receptive communication and in NSL, both at the start of teaching and at time of the study. AII teachers reported that they had improved their communication competency in all communication modes from entry into the profession to the time of the study. Teachers agreed that basic NSL and GSL skills should be requirements for future teachers. There was a significant correlation between teachers' communication skills and students' understanding of teachers' messages. In fact, a regression formula predicted students' understanding of teachers based on the teachers' communication skills. Deaf high school students preferred teachers using simultaneous communication: both NSL and GSL were accepted by students. Suggestions from teachers emphasized the importance of facilitating their sign language competency through both inservice and preservice training.Implications of this study called for a more sound and clearer total communication ploicy and an efficient system to monitor teachers' communication behaviors. Sign language courses should be provided at the college level, and the basic communication competency of future teachers should be evaluated so as to maximize students' learning.




