  • 期刊


Levels of Heavy Metals in Cigarettes Sold in Taiwan


目的:本研究乃針對台灣區市售香菸燃燒後可能產生的重金屬污染與暴露進行初步之探討,並與外國香菸做比較,以評估抽菸行為對人體及社會健康所造成的潛在危害。 方法:本研究蒐集市面上販售的台灣香菸及進口菸共20品牌,去除菸紙及濾嘴,取約2克的菸草,加以17.5%硝酸迴流12小時萃取後,使用感應耦合電漿法分析其重金屬含量,用以預估人類吸菸時可能造成之污染與暴露。 結果:分析結果發現台灣區市售台灣菸中鉻、錳、鈷、鎳、銅、鋅、鉛及鎘等重金屬的含量分別為: 0.651±0.27、72.85±7.95、4.35±11.52、3.76±4.74、12.69±2.26、 64.52±20.0 I、1.46±O.41、1.00±O.13 (μg/g);歐美菸為: 1.29±0.30、1 43.46±2 1.50、19.16±27.20、7.39±8.40、9.88±1.40、41.01±5.41、1.09±0.33、0.72±O.11 (μg/g);東亞菸為:1.34±O.24、147.09±18.99、45.21±57.10、17.77±18.52、18.96±4.27、 42.22±8.21、1.56±0.32、0.68±0.16 (μg/g);進口雪茄中銘、錳、鈷、鎳、銅、鋅、鉛及鎘等重金屬含量:1.1 9±0. 04、129.71±21.73、13.49±21.94、6.04±7.64、15.92± 4.31、46.88±8.92、2.15±1.09、1.17±0.39 (μg/g)。初步的暴露評估發現吸煙族群,每天抽一包菸之情況下,可能因重金屬暴露而造成癌症之風險將顯著增加。 結論:本研究發現香菸中重金屬含量可能造成日常生活中潛在的危害。為保護國人之身心健康,建議應進行更完整之研究。同時呼籲國人少抽菸及在公共場所不要抽菸,避免抽菸對個人身體健康的危害以及二手菸造成環境污染與人類健康的毒害。


Objective: This work examines the amount of trace metals in cigarettes sold in Taiwan, and also assesses preliminary exposure to and the health risks posed by these trace metals for smokers. Method: Tobacco samples were purchased from retail stores in Taiwan, and a total of 20 different brands of cigarettes (imported: 9; domestic: 8; cigar: 3) were analyzed. For each brand of cigarette, after removing the filters and papers、approximately 2 grams of tobacco were refluxed for 12 hours with 17.5% nitric acid to extract heavy metals. Amounts of heavy metals were determined by ICP-AES. Results: Average concentrations of Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the domestic cigarettes were 0.651±0.27、72.85±7.95、4.35±11.52、3.76±4.74、12.69±2.26、 64.52±20.0 I、1.46±O.41、1.00±O.13 (μg/g), compared to average concentrations in imported European and Americas cigarettes of 1.29±0.30、1 43.46±2 1.50、19.16±27.20、7.39±8.40、9.88±1.40、41.01±5.41、1.09±0.33、0.72±O.11 (μg/g), and average concentrations In Imported East Asian cigarettes of 1.34±O.24、147.09±18.99、45.21±57.10、17.77±18.52、18.96±4.27、 42.22±8.21、1.56±0.32、0.68±0.16 (μg/g). Meanwhile, for cigars (all imported) the average concentrations of Cr, Mn、Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd were 1.1 9±0. 04、129.71±21.73、13.49±21.94、6.04±7.64、15.92± 4.31、46.88±8.92、2.15±1.09、1.17±0.39 (μg/g). Based on the average trace metal concentration in cigarettes, for individuals smoking 20 cigarettes (one pack) daily, these high heavy metal levels represent a significant additional cancer risk, besides the risk normally associated with cigarettes. Conclusion: This investigation found high levels of heavy metals in cigarettes sold in Taiwan, meaning that smokers, including passive smokers, place themselves at considerable risk through heavy metal exposure.




Hsu, T. S. (2017). 探討土壤中鎘、鉛之健康風險評估−以臺灣桃園農地土壤為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703936
