  • 學位論文


Exploring the Risk Factors of Smoking and Heavy Smoking of Adults aged 28 to 40 in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張明正 邱政元


本研究以中央研究院人文社會科學中心華人家庭研究計畫之「華人家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamic),簡稱PSFD」資料,來探討台灣地區壯年吸菸習慣及重度菸癮之危險因子。因壯年年齡層為國家發展現階段最重要的角色,而且影響後代健康及吸菸習慣甚為深遠,本研究期望給國人正確的觀念及未來研究參考的依據。 本研究利用華人家庭動態資料庫之2003年與2004年之資料來進行分析,合併2003年與2004年資料,以28至40歲壯年為研究對象,然後分別探討有無吸菸及有無重度菸癮;並將各變項作次數分配,再將各變項與有無吸菸及有無重度菸癮作卡方檢定,最後作邏輯斯迴歸分析,來探討不同社會環境背景對吸菸習慣之影響。 本研究之研究結果顯示,男性、未接受高等教育、生活狀況不好、是否有身心障礙使工作或行動不便、最要好的朋友有吸菸習慣、與母親關係不好,為台灣壯年吸菸之危險因子;在壯年吸菸族群方面,35至40歲、男性、未接受高等教育、不認為每天抽一包以上的菸可能造成嚴重疾病、生活狀況不好、常吸到二手菸,為台灣地區壯年重度菸癮之危險因子。本研究可以提供相關單位在針對壯年族群進行菸害防制宣導之參考。


壯年 吸菸 重度菸癮


Objectives: In order to investigate the risk factors in smoking habits and heavy smoking-addicted behaviors of adults in Taiwan, this study used Panel Study of Family Dynamic (PSFD) series data obtained from Research Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinca. In the current stage of the development of a country, adults aged from 28 to 40 play an important role. Besides, smoking has deep impact on health condition of next generations and affects their smoking behaviors as well. Hence, the goals of this study are to provide people in Taiwan correct concepts regarding smoking and to offer reference for future researches. Methods: To understand the influences of different social backgrounds toward smoking behaviors, PSDF data series in year 2003 and 2004 were combined and study subjects were targeted in the group of people between age 28 and 40. Two dependent variables are analyzed; one factor was whether or not the subjects are smoking and the other was whether or not the subjects are heavily smoking-addicted. All variables were conducted for description statistics, and Chi-square test was used to examine the associations between the dependent and the independent variables. Finally, Logistic Regression was applied to explore the risk factors contributed to the smoking behaviors. Results: The study results found that the risk factors related to the smoking behavior among the adults are males, lower education, unstable life style, disability of body and mind leads to the inconvenience of working or action, the best friends who have the smoking behaviors, and having bad relationships with their mother. Secondly, the factors related to the heavily smoking addition are people aged 35 to 40, males, lower education, don’t tend to believe that smoke more than a pack a day would cause serious illness, unstable life style, and frequently inhale second hand smoke. Lastly, this investigation was done in order to provide strategic suggestions to associated organizations in preventing smoking.


Adults Smoking habit Heavy Smoking


行政院衛生署國民健康局(2006)。《台灣菸害防制 2006》。台中:行政院衛生署國民健康局。


