  • 期刊


A Study of the Form Evolution of Television Set in Taiwan


電視是人類發展出來用以傳送影音和訊息的大眾傳播工具,也是近代最重要、影響最深遠的發明之一。我國電視機自1962年台灣電視事業股份有限公司正式成立之同時設立台灣電視公司製配廠,至今已有三十幾年的歷史,這期间電視機造型之變化甚值得我們去探討,以為今後電視機設計之參考。本研究以文獻調查方式,廣泛收集我國歷年在市場上出現的電視機相關資料,首先透過電腦資料庫軟體整理出我國電視機自1962年至今之造形發展編年表,再配合專家訪談以了解我國電視機造形發展之背景。本研究主要發現有: 1.從我國電視機造形發展編年表發現我國電視機有腳架型、落地型及桌上型等三種不同型態的造形轉變以及它們在市場上之消長。 2.影響我國電視機造形變化的元素除了形態外,尚有:映管種類、控制器、外殼、支架、揚聲系統的位置和飾板。 3.造成我國電視機造形改變之因素為:新技術的發展、相關產品造型的影響、新的視聽理念與市場因素。 4.我國歷年來電視機造形發展依其造形特徵可劃分為四個時期:簡潔(1962-1966)、華麗(1967-1978)、機能感(1979-1983)和科技感(1984-1995)。


It has been more than 30 years since Taiwan Television Company was established in 1962. The change of television form in this period is worth to study for providing the direction of the future TV-set design. This study was conducted by collecting and analyzing the TV-sets made in Taiwan since 1962. Several interviews were also taken to make sure the collected data were correct as well as to make up the insufficient of the data. The major findings of the study are: 1. The main types of TV-set can be classified as 'on the leg', 'on the floor' and 'on the table' from the computer data base of TV-sets made in Taiwan since 1962. Their popularity changes in markets are also analyzed in chronological order. 2. The basic elements of types of CRT, controls, housings, bases, radio and decoration panels are considered to be crucially influential to the form change of TV-sets. 3. The factors which affect the form change of TV-sets are summarized as: the development of the new technology, the simulation from other products, new concepts for video & audio equipment and factors concerning the marketing. 4. The style of TV-sets in Taiwan can be categorized as four periods: simplicity (1962-1966), luxury (1967-1978), functional oriented (1979-1983) and technological look (1984-1995).


Style Form Types of CRT Controls


