  • 期刊


A Physical Environment Planning Expert System of Urban Design


本研究乃在探討一都市設計實質環境規劃之評估系統的建立及發展。在本研究中所提出之設計方法結合了專家系統,都市設計,以及社會科學之決策理論等相關領域之研究方法而成。尤其特別地是,本研究採用決策理論中的評估方法,並將其嵌入專家系統內,藉此以建構出一套可巧妙處理設計上知識與價值的創新方法。 本研究乃以Delphi程式語言,作為發展專家系統建構工具的軟體,同時並訪問都市設計專家學者以從中獲取知識並建立知識庫;此外並蒐集各設計方面詳盡之資料及資訊以建立資料庫。此外,本計畫所提出之專家系統具有以下之特色,即(1)同時具備知識庫與資料庫雙重推論與查詢之效;(2)知識庫採用模組化方式設計,符合知識不斷更新與成長的要求;(3)具有在不確定因素下推論之能力;(4)具有系統推論過程追蹤的功能,並可從事政策性分析。 由於傳統上認為「都市設計」的領域本身具有高度的主觀性,但本研究透過相關研究文獻得知,其卻也因此十分適合於專家系統的建構與發展。 本研究之主要貢獻在於應用人工智慧技術以發展出一套可達到輔助都市計為目的之系統的建立,同時透過實證研究及案例分析,更證明了本研究所建構之系統具備了在未來在從事都市設計時之可靠性及便利性。


This research focuses on developing a design methodology that combines concepts from the fields of expert systems, urban design, and decision theory from the social sciences. More specifically, an evaluation technique, taken from decision theory, is merged with expert system techniques to create an innovative method of manipulating design knowledge and values. The knowledge base resulting from interviews of urban design experts, and the database drawn from the detailed guidelines of urban design, were created using the expert system building tool, Delphi program. Moreover, the expert system constructed in this research is characterized by the following features: (1) it has the advantages of a knowledge base and a data base, allowing it to simultaneously infer and inquire; (2) the knowledge base is modularly designed, taking into account the renewal and growth of knowledge; (3) it has the ability to deal with uncertain factors; (4) the system is capable of tracing system inference processes and of policy analysis. Traditionally, the domain of urban design, though highly subjective, is an appropriate subject for expert system development. The main contribution of this research is the development of a methodology for aiding urban designer to design an urban more efficiently and effectively.


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