  • 期刊


Geometric Form Arrangement in Paper Cutting




剪紙 造形 排列


Paper cutting can be regarded as a graphic expression of creation. A shape conveys the visual image, and it has a great variety of changes in terms of the configuration of the graph. From the perspective of the form principle, paper cutting has figural linkage and development in terms of its formation. Thus, the research seeks to explore the figural permutation on the geometric formation of paper cutting between the folding and cutting of the paper cutting techniques. It attempts to understand the relations between folding and cutting in the form elements of points, lines, and planes of graphic permutation. The methodology of the research adopts experimental research to design the research sample between the pretest and the posttest. The research sample is only limited in the figures after being folded, and is divided into two geometric forms: triangle and square. The results demonstrate that the spread position of its permutation after paper cutting and the fold lines in the process of folding have corresponding relations. Through the comparison of two different research samples, the researchers discover that the permutation of the cutting design of the triangular folding as the basic form will be restricted by the frame of the rhombus frame. Instead, the square of paper folding is restricted by the positions of the square folding lines. But one thing is sure between the two research samples: in the different fold steps, the fold lines will be differently located if the folding steps change. But there must be fold lines after the figures were cut. This explains that the ways of fold lines will exert impact upon the formal permutation of the figure being cut. The results of the research prove that we can know the permutation position of the graphic expression as we can predict the folding lines designed in the cutting process. The results can be employed as the basis for the creation of the form principle which enhances the efficiency of the creator.


Paper Cutting Form Permutation


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