  • 期刊


"Making" China: Research on the "Map of the Advantages of the Past and Present" (《古今形勝之圖》) of Ming Dynasty Obtained by the Spanish in 1574


大航海時代的開展,在連結全球貿易網絡的同時,也助長了人們「建構(making)」陌生地區人文與地理知識的渴望。1571年西班牙人在靠近中國的馬尼拉,設立他們的主要殖民據點後,1574年菲律賓總督Guido de Lavezaris便透過前往該地經商的閩南華商,取得了在福建金沙書院重印的《古今形勝之圖》。後來又在華人譯者的協助下,一名奧古斯丁神父將地圖上的相關資訊譯成了西班牙文,被Guido de Lavezaris寄回了西班牙母國呈給當時的國王菲力普二世(Felipe II),進而開啟了西班牙對中國與東亞地理人文知識的理解,亦為歐洲漢學的研究奠下一定的基礎。本文除了對西班牙人獲得《古今形勝之圖》的過程,以及華人譯者的真實姓名進行研究與討論外,並藉由相關西班牙文譯本及中文原文的比對分析,探究華人譯者與西班牙譯者在異文化接觸交流過程中,如何靠著自身文化的想像或理解,來「建構」出一種西班牙人所能理解的「大明」。


The age of exploration connected new global trading networks and fueled people's thirst in the ”making” of cultural and geographical knowledge of distant lands. After the Spanish established their main colonial stronghold in Manila in 1571, then governor-general Guido de Lavezaris obtained the ”Map of the Advantages of the Past and present” (《古今形勝之圖》) through the aid of Chinese merchants. Later, with help from Chinese translators, an Augustinian father was able to translate the map's literal content into Spanish, and Guido de Lavezaris in turn presented the translated version of the map to the Spanish monarch Felipe II for review. The information from this map was Spain's first official comprehension of the geographical and cultural knowledge concerning China and East Asia. Therefore, this article argues the map should be considered a cornerstone document in understanding early modern European Sinology.The article discusses the Spanish acquirement of the map and investigates the true identity of the Chinese translators who offered their efforts in the creation of the Spanish version. Additionally, the article also strives to explore the Spanish cognitive ”making” of Taybin (大明) via the cultural exchange progress between Spanish and Chinese translators through an analysis and comparison of relevant Spanish historical materials in translation and original Chinese documents.


Carlos Quirino, “The Lavezares Map of China (1555),” Philippine Historical Review 2:1 (1969): 269-274


