  • 期刊


Collaborative Agents for Knowledge Classification and Management




Knowledge management (KM) has become a critical activity in business administration. However, there exists a significant gap between knowledge management and information technology: automatic classification of dynamic business knowledge, since business knowledge is often dynamic and accumulative. This paper aims to explore and reduce the gap so that information technology may really assist businesses in managing knowledge. An agent-based collaborative knowledge classification and management model CKCMA is proposed. The agents collaborate with each other in order to closely link people to knowledge, and vice versa. They negotiate with each other to classify input knowledge documents and requests, and accordingly identify which agent should be in charge of the related KM activities, including knowledge elicitation, accumulation, distribution, and sharing. An experiment is designed to empirically evaluate CKCMA's multiagent knowledge classification technique. In the experiment, the feasibility and contributions of context-based automatic knowledge classification are verified.


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