Objective: The purpose of this article is to explore hospital willingness to use report cards and hospital ability to publish quality indicators. Materials and Methods: The study used 495 hospitals including 17 medical centers, 62 regional hospitals, 49 teaching district hospitals, and 367 district hospitals as the study sample. A mailing survey was performed to collect applicable data. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis was performed to examine the relationship between hospital level and hospital willingness to use report cards. Results: There were 183 questionnaires returned and yielded a 37% of response rate. In total, 52% of hospitals are very willing or willing to use hospital report cards. On the contrary, 21.3% hospitals are ”very unwilling” or ”unwilling” to use report cards. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis shows no significant relationship between hospital level and hospital willingness to use report cards. Conclusions: Over 50% of hospitals are willing to use report cards. It is recommended that policy makers consider initiating hospital report cards. In particular, the publication of hospital port cards should be included as a negotiating factor with the implementation of global budget.