  • 期刊


An Evaluation of a Model Involving Bar-Codes in the Process of Inpatient Medication Distribution


目的:醫院住院病人的用藥品質與安全相當受到重視,除了藥物給予正確外,如何能快速流暢的將處方後的藥物送至病人端,是管理的重要課題。住院病人的給藥流程包含從處方開立、藥物調配及配送到指定護理站之所有程序。為能掌握住院病人處方藥品之流向及時效,某醫院因此導入住院病人給藥流程的條碼系統,亦藉由條碼刷取動作,提升給藥正確性,減少人工識別錯誤。本研究綜合與歸納相關文獻之後,以實證研究方式評估影響給藥流程條碼管控系統成功之相關因素。方法:本研究以DeLone and McLean(2003)所提出之「資訊系統成功模型」架構為理論基礎,針對某醫院住院病房醫護人員為對象進行問卷調查。運用「變異數分析(Analysis of variance,ANOVA)」及「多元(複)迴歸分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)」進行分析並驗證研究模式與研究假說。為完成上述的統計分析,本研究採用SPSS 15.0等統計分析軟體。結果:本研究驗證DeLone and McLean Model(2003)資訊系統成功模式理論,在「系統品質」、「資訊品質」、「服務品質」正向影響「認知效益」的結果獲得不錯的解釋力,並且觀察到在主管的支持下,發展出更明確作業程序及擴充硬體設施,使條碼系統導入得以全面施行。結論:評估影響給藥流程條碼系統之成功關鍵因素,驗證「資訊系統成功模型」理論及管理意涵,在準確有用的「資訊品質」,完備系統之「系統品質」,適當的教育訓練「服務品質」,將有助於提高使用者的意圖強度與利用,本研究實證獲致的正向結果,值得提出供後續改善及管理者參考。


Objectives: Attention has been placed on the process of distribution of inpatient medications in order to promote patient safety. This process includes prescription, dispensing and distribution of drugs to nurses' stations. In order to manage the delivery process, guarantee correct delivery, and reduce errors in identification, the study hospital introduced a barcode system into this process.Methods: Research instruments were sent to a sample hospital in Taipei which then recruited those who had experience in using such a barcode system in their daily work to complete the instrument. Multiple Regression Analysis and analysis of variance were used to analyze the hypothesized relationships between the constructs in the research model.Results: Experience of the personnel involved in this delivery process was the key factor in determining the success of this model.Conclusion: The results and implications of this study may be considered as a reference for future medical quality management.


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