  • 期刊


The Calculation of the WISC-III General Ability Index Using Taiwan Norms



魏氏兒童智力量表第三版(WISC-III )所提供之全量表智商( FSIQ )傳統以來一直為估計受試兒童一般認知能力之重要指標,隨著WISC-III 因素分析研究之盛行, 近年來有一個新的「一般能力指數」(General Ability Index, GAI)受到重視,此指數是由常識、類同、詞彙、理解、圖畫補充、連環圖系、圓形設計、物型配置等8個分測驗所組成的新綜合分數。當受試兒童的語文理解指數( Verbal Comprehension Index, VCI)比語文智商( Verbal IQ, VIQ)為其語文能力的更佳代表; 抑或當兒童之知覺組織指數( Perceptual Organization Index, POI )比作業智商( Performance IQ, PIQ)為其作業能力的更佳代表時, 此「一般能力指數」時可取 代傳統「全量表智商」成為估計受試兒童一般認知能力之較佳指標。本研究仔細說明此「一般能力指數」之建構邏輯,並且根據WISC- III臺灣標準化樣本1,100 位兒童分數,建立「一般能力指數」之常模表、信度、測量標準誤與其他相關統計數據,以供實務界解釋與運用。


The WISC-III Full Scaled IQ (FSIQ) has been one of the most important index for evaluating children's general cognitive ability. Recently,“General Ability Index (GAI)” has been proposed to be an appropriate substitute for FSIQ if the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and Perceptual Organization Index (POI) are considered better estimates of the child's verbal and performance reasoning abilities than the Verbal IQ (VIQ) and the Performance IQ (PIQ) scores. The GAI is a composite score derived from the following eight subtests: Information, Similarities, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Picture Completion, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, and Object Assembly. The logic of GAI establishment were discussed in a thorough manner, besides, the calculation of the GAI norm table using the Taiwan WISC-III standardization sample (N=1,100), also the reliabilities, standard error of measurement, and several other useful statistics were all presented for better interpretation.


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