  • 期刊


Taiwan Students' Mathematics Performance: A Comparative Analysis of TASA and TIMSS Database


跨國資料庫的接軌,可了解學生能力在不同試題表現情形,而傾向分數配對法(PSM)是一個可行的統計方法。本研究以TASA 2010和TIMSS 2011的資料進行分析,研究發現:數學測驗架構中,臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫(TASA)考量的是九年一貫課程八年級的內容,至於國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(TIMSS)是國際測驗,不以此為限,為各國八年級課程的綜合;因此,TIMSS和TASA的數學評量內容和試題比重不甚相同。業經PSM挑出兩考試中背景相似的4,908人,發現TIMSS中覺得較困難的試題,幾乎是TASA評量架構中或實際的九年一貫能力指標中沒有的部分,尤其是資料詮釋。為了不與國際數學測驗脫勾,課程內容、數學科教師訓練以及評量試題設計可思考調整補強。


Cross-national database of convergence such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the local database Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA), comparing students’ performance in various items has become a possibility with the use of the statistical method Propensity Score Matching (PSM). The study use TASA 2010 & TIMSS 2011 database and results show that TASA uses the grade 8 mathematics curriculum guidelines as framework, while TIMSS is not restricted to unique curriculum guideline and more focused on the combination of international eighth grade curriculum of mathematics. Hence, the proportions of the test items of the two databases are not equal. For instance, TASA shows heavy emphasis on Algebra, while TIMSS is more focus on data and probability. Using the PSM method, 4,908 students of almost similar background demography are selected from the two databases. Comparative analysis show that TIMSS has more difficult items as compared to TASA; more difficult in terms of the scope of the TIMSS items are beyond the grade 8 mathematics curriculum guidelines, more specifically are the data interpretation. In sum, in order for Taiwan to be abreast with the international community, mathematical curriculum, mathematics teachers, and assessment design should be improved.


王苑菘、鄒慧英(2015)。特質階層法於臺灣 PISA2006 數學評量之認知診斷分析。測驗學刊,62(1),69-93。
任宗浩(2009)。評量架構。載於張俊彥(主編),國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查 2007(頁 13-55)。取自 http://www.dorise.info/DER/01_timss_2007_html/t2007_04_download.html#04
余民寧(2006)。影響科學與數學學習成就因素之國際評比資料分析:以 TIMSS 2003、PISA 2003、和 TEPS 跨資料庫比較為例。行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告(編號:NSC94-2522-S-004-002-),未出版。
