  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Patient Satisfaction with Outpatient Visits


Background and purpose: We investigated the degree of the patient satisfaction with physicians’ professional experience, attitude, and other related factors. Methods: We implemented a stratified random sampling method at a medical center in central Taiwan during day and evening clinics. A validated and reliable structured questionnaire consisting of 12 questions was completed by 508 patients over a 3-week period. The data were analyzed with the Epi-inform statistical program. Results: Patients' top three concerns were the level of physicians' skill, the safety of examination procedures, and physicians' explanations of illnesses. Patients were least concerned about the volume of patients in the clinic, time spent in the waiting room, time scheduled and the frequency of physician allocated in the clinic in a week. Most physician spent 3 to 10 minutes with a patient. There was a positive correlation in satisfaction between patients' age and the amount of time a physician spent with a patient (r = 0.155, P<0.01). The correlation between patients' age and physician attitude was also positive (r = 0.137, P<0.01). Other factors significantly affecting the patient satisfaction included hospital environment, past experience with health care providers, the type of clinic visited, previous experience using traditional Chinese medicine. Gender, education, and past history of medical disputes affected satisfaction the least. Regression. analysis confirmed that age, the type of clinic visited, and past experience with traditional medicine affected satisfaction. Conclusions: Patients appreciate this medical center because of physicians' skills, safety, and physician attention and communication. A policy of the patient-centered care is effective in this hospital. We have begun scheduling appointments to rectify waiting time complaints. This study provides a reference for all clinics interested in improving patient satisfaction.


門診病患 醫師 滿意度


Background and purpose: We investigated the degree of the patient satisfaction with physicians’ professional experience, attitude, and other related factors. Methods: We implemented a stratified random sampling method at a medical center in central Taiwan during day and evening clinics. A validated and reliable structured questionnaire consisting of 12 questions was completed by 508 patients over a 3-week period. The data were analyzed with the Epi-inform statistical program. Results: Patients' top three concerns were the level of physicians' skill, the safety of examination procedures, and physicians' explanations of illnesses. Patients were least concerned about the volume of patients in the clinic, time spent in the waiting room, time scheduled and the frequency of physician allocated in the clinic in a week. Most physician spent 3 to 10 minutes with a patient. There was a positive correlation in satisfaction between patients' age and the amount of time a physician spent with a patient (r = 0.155, P<0.01). The correlation between patients' age and physician attitude was also positive (r = 0.137, P<0.01). Other factors significantly affecting the patient satisfaction included hospital environment, past experience with health care providers, the type of clinic visited, previous experience using traditional Chinese medicine. Gender, education, and past history of medical disputes affected satisfaction the least. Regression. analysis confirmed that age, the type of clinic visited, and past experience with traditional medicine affected satisfaction. Conclusions: Patients appreciate this medical center because of physicians' skills, safety, and physician attention and communication. A policy of the patient-centered care is effective in this hospital. We have begun scheduling appointments to rectify waiting time complaints. This study provides a reference for all clinics interested in improving patient satisfaction.


outpatient physician satisfaction


洪芳明(2015)。以DMAIC方法於門診智慧系統導入前後之探討 —以A醫學中心為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11138
蔡瑞芬(2012)。有限醫療服務資源之多重時段預約系統之病患配額 暨約診時間規劃〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.03009
