  • 期刊

Positive Association between Hyperuricemia and Metabolic Syndrome: A Large Health Check-up Population in Taiwan



目標:在台灣高尿酸血症及代謝症候群有很高的盛行率。而高尿酸血症和代謝症候群的子診斷項目之間的關係較少被探討。方法:本研究採橫斷研究,對2006-2007年桃園縣社區民眾健康篩檢資料作統計分析。高尿酸血症的定義則是男性以血清尿酸值>7.7mg/dl,女性>6.6 mg/dl作界定。代謝症候群的定義乃依據ATP III 標準,除了腰圍以身體質量指數(BMI ≥27 kg/m2)代替。結果:共27,774例( 71.4% )的健康篩檢資料作分析。高尿酸血症的盛行率:男性為15.7%(95%信賴區間= 15.1-16.3%),女性為12.3%(95%信賴區間= 11.8-12.8%)。而代謝症候群的盛行率:男性為25.4%(95%信賴區間=24.6-26.2%) ,女性為24.9%(95%信賴區間=24.2-25.6%)。不論性別,其雙變量分析與多變量分析皆呈現高尿酸血症和代謝症候群和其相關症狀皆顯著相關。高尿酸血症和代謝症候群的調楚勝算比(adjusted odds ratio)皆是女性(2 .92 , 95%信賴區間=2.64-3.24)高於男性(2.04, 95%信賴區間= 1.84-2.25)。結論:台灣成人健康檢查資料顯示,高尿酸血症和代謝症候群及其子診斷項目具有正相關。本研究顯示高尿酸血症和代謝症候群以及其相關症狀的出現具相關性。


Objectives: A high prevalence of hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome has been repo巾d in Taiwan The association between hyperuricemia and specific components of metabolic syndrome is seldom studied. Methods: A cross-sectional study with records of 2006 to 2007 health screening check-up in Taoyuan was used. Hyperuricemia was defined as serum uric acid>7.7mg/dl for males, and> 6.6 mg/dl for females. Patients with metabolic syndrome were defined according to the ATP III criteria, except that one condition relating to the circumference of the waist was substituted by BMI≥27kg/m2. Results: A total of 27,774 records (71.4%) was used in this study. The prevalence of hyperuricemia was 15.7% (95% confidence interval (CI)= 15.1 - 16.3%) for males and 12.3% (95%CI=11.8-12.8%) for females, respectively. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 25.4% (95% CI=24.6-26.2%) for males and 24.9% (95%C I=24.2-25.6%) for females, respectively. For both genders, metabolic syndrome and its components were significantly associated with hyperuricemia bivariately and multivariately. The adjusted odds ratio between hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome was higher in females (2.92, 95% CI=2.64-3.24) than in males (2.04, 95% CI= 1.84- 2.25). Conclusions: A positive association between hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome and between hyperuricemia and each component of metabolic syndrome was observed in adults with health check-ups in Taiwan. It is concluded that there is an association between hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome and its components.


