  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship between the Acceptance of the Gifted Label, the Self-concept of the Gifted Students in Elementary School and the Life Adjustment of the Gifted Students in Elementary School


本研究旨在了解:一、不同性別、年級、安置類型的國小資優生資優標記接受度、自我概念、生活適應三者的差異情形;二、資優生對資優標記的接受度與其自我概念、生活適應兩者之相關;三、資優標記接受度、自我概念兩者對生活適應之預測功能。選取高雄市四、六年級分散式資優班學生257人,以及臺南市四、六年級集中式資優班學生104人,共361人為研究就對象,以自編的國小資優生資優標記接受度量表」、吳裕益、侯雅齡(2000a)編製的「國小兒童自我概念量表」以及吳新華(1996a)編製的「國小學童生活適應量表」為研究工具,獲得以下結論: 一、國小資優生對整體資優標記的接受度約在中等以上;在分量表部分,則在「我對自己標記的接受度」、「我對他人給我期望的接受度」較佳,達中等以上。但所有背景組別的資優生在「我對他人給我標記的接受度」最低,未達中等。 二、性別、年級、安置類型三者的交互作用對資優標記接受度之差異造成顯著性的影響:(一)性別方面,在六年級分散式資優班的條件下,男生顯著高於女生;(二)年級方面,分別在分散式資優班女生與集中式資優班男生的兩個條件之下,四年級皆高於六年級;(三)安置類型方面,分別在四年級男生與六年級女生的條件之下,集中式資優班學生顯著高於分散式資優班學生。 三、不同性別、年級、安置類型三者的交互作用對自我概念之差異造成顯著性的影響:(一)性別方面,在六年級分散式資優班的條件之下,男生顯著高於女生;(二)年級方面,分別在分散式資優班女生與集中式資優班男生的兩個條件之下,四年級顯著高於六年級;(三)安置類型方面,不同安置類型的資優生則未達顯著差異。 四、不同性別、年級、安置類型的國小資優生,其生活適應未達顯著差異。 五、自我概念中的「家庭自我」、「學校自我」、「外貌自我」、「身體自我」、「情緒自我」等五個層面,以及整體自我概念,皆與資優標記接受度有高度的正相關。 六、除了「行為成熟度」之外,生活適應中的「功課與遊戲」、「生活的目標」、「親和力」、「情緒穩定度」、「社會適應」、「社交技巧」、「心理堅忍度」、「自我接受度」與「適應感」等九個層面,以及整體生活適應,皆與資優標記接受度有顯著的正相關。 七、自我概念中的「情緒自我」、「學校自我」、「外貌自我」、「家庭自我」能有效預測生活適應,其累積解釋的變異量達52.3%。有了前四個預測變項之後,再增加資優標記接受度中的三層面與自我概念中的「身體自我」,則無法有效提升預測力。


The purposes of this study were (a) to examine the difference between gifted students' acceptance of gifted label, self-concept and the life adjustment to gifted elementary school students in terms of sex, grade and educational placement, (b) to probe into the relationship between gifted students' acceptance of gifted label and self-concept, and the relationship between gifted students' acceptance of gifted label and life adjustment, (c) to further probe into the predictability of life adjustment by the acceptance of gifted label and self-concept. Samples were collected from 257 elementary school students in gifted resource classes in Kaohsiung City and 104 elementary school students in gifted special classes in Tainan City. They were the 4th-grade students or the 6th-grade students. Three research tools were used for the purposes of this study. They were: ”The Self-concept Scale for Elementary School Students,” ”The Life Adjustment Scale for Elementary School Students” and ”The Acceptance of the Gifted Label Scale for Gifted Elementary School Students.” The main findings of this study were as follows: a. Integratedly, the gifted students' acceptance of gifted label was above average. b. The interaction of sex, grade and educational placement was significant different to the acceptance of gifted label on gifted students: (1) When it was the situation that students in 6th-grade in gifted resource classes, gifted boys ”acceptance of gifted label wore better than girls”. (2) When it was the situation that girls in gifted resource classes or boys in gifted special classes, 4th-grade gifted students' acceptance of gifted label were better than 6th-grade one's. (3) When it was the situation that gifted boys in 4th-grade or gifted girls in 6th-grade, students' acceptance of gifted label in gifted special classes were better than the one's in gifted resource classes. c. The interaction of sex, grade and educational placement was significant different to self-concept on gifted students: (1) When it was the situation that 6th-grade students in gifted resource classes, boys' self-concept were better than girls. (2) When it was the situation that girls in gifted resource classes or boys in gifted special classes, 4th-grade students' self-concept were better than 6th-grade one's. (3) There was no significant difference in educational placement. d. There were no significant difference in life adjustment in terms of sex, grade and educational placement. e. There was a significant relationship between gifted students' acceptance of gifted label and overall self-concept and the six subscales of the ”The Self-concept Scale for Elementary School Students.” They were: ”family-self,” ”school-self,” ”semblance-self,” ”physical appearance-self” and ”emotion-self.” f. There were significant relationship between gifted students' acceptance of gifted label and overall life adjustment and the nine subscales of the ”The Life Adjustment Scale for Elementary School Students.” They were: ”adjustment in study and play games,” ”goals for living,” ”affiliation,” ”emotional stability,” ”social adjustment,” ”social skill,” ”nervousness,” ”physical inferiority,” and ”overall adjustment.” g. The ”emotion-self,” ”school-self,” ”physical appearance-self,” ”family-self,” in ”The Self-concept Scale for Elementary School Students” could predict the life adjustment effectively.




