  • 期刊


The Investigation of Optimal Shutter Speed of Digital High Speed Camera


本研究主要是透過不同層級高速攝影機的快門速度設定方法,來驗證快門速度計算的理論,並建立評估最佳快門速度的標準。本研究以Kodak牌高速攝影機為主要研究工具,其擷取頻率定為125赫茲。實驗的目標物為直徑5.17公分之撞球,以自由落體方式來控制其速度的穩定性,本研究評估的影像為下墜速度4.08公尺/秒的瞬間影像,其主要的探討參數為殘影誤差與明度分佈。研究結果發現: 一、目標物在層級5(快門速度1/2000秒)的條件下,殘影誤差達到最小值0.2公分,且層級6與7均達穩定最小值,其結果與理論值吻合。 二、在明度分佈的結果發現,層級1(快門速度1/125秒)的標準差最小,而隨著層級越高,其標準差有漸增的趨勢,這意味著快門速度明顯影響影像的清晰度與對比。 本研究建議未來在進行動作分析研究時,可以在初步實驗中先求得動作速度、影像像素與實際大小比例,透過公式計算求得最佳的快門速度。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the theory of shutter speed using different shutter speed levels in photography. Kodak high-speed camera (125Hz) was used to capture moving object (billiards: diameter 5.17 centimeter), which fell as a freedom to control the velocity stability. The study captured the instant images of corresponding velocity 4.08 m/s, and analyzed the blur error and histogram of the images. The results shown that: (1. In the level 5(shutter speed 1/2000 second), blur error arrived the minimal value 0.2 centimeter. This result fitted in with the theory and formula. (2. The histogram analysis shown that the standard deviation (SD) of level 1 (shutter speed 1/125 second) had the smallest value than that of other levels. This meant that shutter speed influenced the definition and contrast of the image significantly. The future experimental procedure of motion analysis may calculate the optimal shutter speed first using formula by investigating maximal motion velocity, the distance and pixels of the image in pilot study.


shutter speed blur error histogram analysis


(Kodak FASTCAM Super 10K 使用手冊).
