  • 期刊


A Study on Counselor and Client's Interaction in Counseling Process




The purpose of this study is to explore the following relations is counseling process: 1. The sequential effect of the intervention of counselor's verbal response models on client's verbal response modls. 2. The sequential effect of counselor's verbal response models on client's reactions. 3. the sequential pattern between client's reactions and his/her own verbal responses. The subjects are a counselor and a student in vocational high school and the method is to deal with a single case of a live counseling situation. Six sessions of interview recordings, word-for-word transcriptions and client's Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) afterwards are analyzed, with Sequential Analyze Program (SAP) as a method to analyze the data and test the level of significance. The catalogue systems are counselor's verbal response models system, client's verbal responses system and client's reactions system. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. There are specific sequential patterns between counselor and client's verbal response models. Some of the patterns are unidirection, while others are bidirection. The dominance effect is found in some of the bidireition patterns. 2. There are sequential patterns between counselor's and client's verbal response models. 3. There are also sequential patterns between client's reactions and client's verbal response. 4. Some of sequential patterns common in most of interview sessions are more typical, while other sequential patterns, present only in a few interview sessions, are more uncommon; 5. Concerning the effect of counselor's verbal response on both client's verbal responses and client's reactions, there are different sequential patterns in different interview sessions of separate stages. The findings of this study verify some practices and theories of counselor's education and can be used as a reference of counselor's training and self-education. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestion on counselor's training and future research are offered.
