  • 期刊


Reflection on the Implementation of Performanced-Based Salary System in Taiwan Public Sectors: Review and Recommend of the Civil Servant Performance Evaluation and Pay System


臺灣公部門在九十三年全國人事主管會報中,揭示「績效導向俸給」的政策,意味著政府績效管理已成為政府再造中最主要的目標,而建立合理公平的俸給政策一向是文官制度的核心,俸給制度的改革更是影響文官生涯發展與工作士氣的關鍵,面對組織再造的新課題,要型塑競爭的整體環境,未來公部門人員的俸給必需以「績效」的優劣為準繩,績效俸給制度的建構,除了回應公共管理典範的潮流外,勢將引起公部門的「質變」,本文爰從「有限理性」及「訊號賽局」的觀點分別審視現行公務人員考績與俸給制度,先從新制度主義的觀點,立基於有限理性之下,檢視目前公部門的考績制度,因為資訊不對稱的環境特性,讓有限理性下的管理關係,產生隱藏行動或資訊的問題,再從「訊號賽局」的觀念,討論現行公務人員俸表因為缺乏區辨的誘因及風險意識的制度設計,讓無效率者得以隱藏,形成官僚組織無效率的根源,並以現行制度的檢視為基礎,反思績效俸給制度的設計及其推行的困境,最後,本文除分別針對考績與俸給制度提出相關建議外,並思考從組織管理及績效管理觀點,提出深化績效俸給制度之策略,而獲致以下的研究發現: 一、目前臺灣公部門公務人員考績與俸給制度原即存在制度與結構上的迷失,無法因應績效管理思潮之所需,從而以目前制度實施的結果無法形塑以績效為導向的組織文化。 二、臺灣公部門推動績效俸給制度的主要困境,源於人治色彩濃厚的行政生態及權威獨占的領導風格,讓考績制度淪為「有限理性」下的形式,無法達到考評的實質意義,而缺乏「區辨」及「風險意識」的俸表結構,更無法貫徹「以績效良窳決定報酬高低」的責任精神。 三、有效推動績效俸給制度,應對現行考績與俸給的缺失,從制度面加以改進,並應從組織管理觀點,強化員工工作動機,發揮內在潛能及認同,以及績效管理觀點,讓績效考評制度具備足夠的誘因等方面進行策略性的思考。


The Performance-Oriented Policy is triggered by the National Personnel Executive Meeting in 2004. It represents that Performance Management is the main object of Governmental Reform ◦ Since reasonable and fair Pay System is the core of Civil Servant, the new trend of Governmental Reform and Organization Reform will influence Pay System, and it will be the key attribute to the career development of Civil Servant and work moral we have to establish a new Pay System standard by performance in the public sectors in order to be on the leading position in the competitive environment ◦ To construct Performanced-Based Pay System, we have to not only be responsive for the trend of New Public Management, but also consider the change of the characteristics in public sectors ◦ For the two aspects of the construction of Pay System ‘ we will analyze the Civil Servant Performance evaluation and Pay system by 「Bounded Rationality」 and 「Game Theory」, From the point of New Institutionalism based on bounded rationality, the problem of management relationship is hiding actions and information produced under the environment of information asymmetry therefore, we can analyze the situation by ”Signal Game Theory”, The further analyze by Game Theory about current Pay System can offer the platform of the discussion of some problem First, problem is the lack of ”incentives” and ”risk sense-making” in the institutions Secondly’ the hidden insufficient members shape the insufficient bureaucratic organization Finally, to reflect the design of Performanced-Based Pay akSystem and the possible difficulities This paper offers policy recommend for Performanced-Based Pay System on the basis of the view of organization management and performance management The findings of this paper are following points: 1.The lost of both institutions and structures of Taiwan public sector is the main reason that Taiwan government can't meet the need of performance management ◦ It is obvious that current system can't shape performance-oriented culture◦ 2.The difficulity to implement Civil Servant Performance Evaluation System in Taiwan public sectors is resulted from man-govern ecology and monopoly leadership◦ The problem is Civil Servant Performance Evaluation System is dysfunctional in the form of bounded rationality, and then is lack of the Pay System structure of ”differentiate” and ”risk sense-making” thus, it is impossible to adopt the spirit of responsibility to determine the salary in accordance with the performance◦ 3.To improve the current system by the institutional way and organizational management way in order to cure the current problems in the system, and implement the Performanced-Based Pay System successfully By utilizing strategic thinking to deeper the working motivation of employees, to stimulate their potential abilities and shape the identity.




