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Health Risk Behaviors, Health Status and Chronic Diseases of the Elderly in Taiwan: Cohort Study-Differential Analysis between 1997 and 2007




Introduction: According to the 1989 statistical report by the Adult and Elderly Health Division (AEHD) of the Bureau of Health Promotion (BHP), 24.1% of elderly people rated themselves as having poor health, with the percentage rising to 33.7% in 1996 and further to 38.9% in 2003 (BHP, 1989, 1993, 1996, 2003). Those with difficulty in showering independently increased from 5.4% to 16.6%; those with difficulty in dressing increased from 3.8% to 13.4%, and those with difficulty in walking increased from 4.4% to 12.3%. The percentage of those with difficulty in at least one ADL increased from 2.1% in 2002 to 14.4% in 2005 and to 54.4% in 2007. Purpose / Methods: This study attempted to examine the effects of health risk behaviors of the elderly on general health status and chronic diseases. The secondary data for this study was obtained from the results of surveys investigation the quality of life of the elderly conducted by the AEHD of BHP in1997and 2007.The sample population, those aged 60 and above, who took part in both surveys, number 1268. Comparison and analysis of the results of both surveys was undertaken; variables including demographics (age, gender, marital status, education level), health risk behaviors (smoking, consumption of alcohol and betel nuts), health status (activities of daily living (ADLs), self-appraisal of health), and chronic diseases (occurrence of disease, medication use) were extracted. Longitudinal analysis of the data was carried out using variance ratio and chi-square tests. Results: Results indicated statistically significant differences in health risk behaviors and health status between the two surveys, with statistically significant increases from 1989 to 2007. With respect to occurrence of disease, those with comorbidity showed the greatest increase in absolute number. With respect to medication use, those using at least two medications showed the greatest increase in absolute number. Regarding loss of ability to carry out ADLs, showering was the activity accounting for the greatest absolute increase in numbers. Most respondents rated their current health as well as their health a year ago as deteriorating, with increased depressive symptomatology. Controlling for demographic variables, correlation analysis between health risk behaviors and health status revealed that there is significant interrelationship between medication use, ADLs, self evaluation of current health and health one year ago, depressive symptomatology and satisfaction with life; however it has no significant relationship with the status/ frequency of having diseases. Conclusions: least differences were seen in those whose appraisal of current health changed from good to poor. In terms of appraisal of health one year ago. Comments: Recommendations from this study include ongoing public health efforts to decrease health risk behaviors with the goal of reducing the social economic burden of chronic illnesses.


