  • 期刊


The Correlates of Empowerment for People Living with HIV/AIDS




愛滋病 愛滋感染者 權能


People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are marginalized because of the social stigma for HIV. However, these people seldom speak for themselves or fight for their rights. Thus, this study aims to explore the factors correlated with empowerment in PLWHA.Participants recruited through purposive sampling in all areas in Taiwan, filled out the standard questionnaire to reveal their empowerment scores. The variables associated with empowerment included life satisfaction, HIV internal stigma, types of participation, HIV/AIDS knowledge, medication and demographic data. To test the explanatory power of our model, bivariable and multiple regression analyses were performed. Participants were further classified as intravenous drug users (IDU) or homosexuals.A total of 379 non-repetitive questionnaires were completed. According to statistical analyses, the mean score of empowerment was low. Among all participants, the score was higher on the social-political dimension than on personal and interpersonal ones. Empowerment scores differed by gender and environment variables only for IDU but not for homosexuals. Regression ana-lyses revealed life satisfaction, participation as community representative for residents, HIV/AIDS knowledge and medication compliance were independent factors affecting higher empowerment scores. Our model accounted for 36% of the variance for these variables. For homosexuals but not IDUs, internal HIV stigma was significant in regression analyses.In conclusion, addressing the independent factors in PLWHA and reducing the internal HIV stigma for homosexuals may help to empower PLWHA.


HIV people living with HIV/AIDS empowerment


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