  • 期刊

A Preliminary Survey of the Health Behaviors of Community Leaders



本研究目的在探討某鄉鎮社區領袖健康行為現況與相關因素。以自擬式結構問卷, 利用某鄉內社區領袖參加社區健康營造說明會議前10 至20 分鐘填答,共收集70 份 有效問卷,以SPSS for Window 10.0 套裝軟體進行資料分析。結果發現社區領袖在保護性健康行為 (如成人/老人健檢、子宮頸抹片檢查與乳房自我檢查) 上表現較佳。性別、教育程度、自覺健康狀況與慢性病罹患情形不同與飲食行為有關。40 歲以上、國中(含)以下教育程度、社區服務年數小於1 年及無罹患慢性病者,其運動行為較為規律。社區服務年數大於1 年者其全民健保預防保健服務利用情形亦較佳。建議未來公共衛生護理人員加強與社區領袖在健康促進行為上之合作,以增進其健康相 關行為。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the health behavior of a town’s community leaders and other issues associated with that behavior. Structured questionnaires designed by the researchers were used to collect data at a meeting for the announcement of community building; they were filled out in the 10 or 20 minutes before the meeting began and 70 valid responses were received. The SPSS for Window version 10.0 soft ware pack age was used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that the community leaders demonstrated higher standards of health-protective behaviors (i.e. elder/adult check ups, Pap smear exam and breast self-examination) than others living in the community. Variables such as gender, educational level, self-perceived health status, number of chronic ill nesses were correlated with different types of dietary behavior. Subjects who were 40 years old and over, educated to junior high school or lower, who had per formed less than one year of community ser vice and were free of chronic ill ness engaged in relatively regular exercise. Subjects who had per formed more than one year of community ser vice were more likely to utilize the preventive ser vices pro vided by national health insurance. It is recommended that public health nurses improve their cooperation with community leaders over pro viding health–related activities in order to promote better health behavior on the part of such leaders.


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