  • 期刊


Prevalences of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in Taipei Zoo Animals


弓蟲感染非常普遍,在經濟及公共衛生上很重要。為了提供基本的數據做為臺北市立動物園動物之弓蟲症流行病學研究,及日後預防及控制此疾病的有效方法,本調查利用乳膠凝集試驗(latex agglutination test)偵測弓蟲血清抗體盛行率。動物血清乃使用台北市立動物園於2000年時所冷凍保存之1,107隻動物血清樣本,包括5種爬蟲類、25種鳥類及112種哺乳類,分屬於23目49科。結果發現,1種爬蟲類、7種鳥類及76種哺乳類,共84種429隻動物的弓蟲血清抗體為陽性,分屬於23目28科,整體盛行率為38.75%。其中動物隻數多於30的科及目別,其弓蟲血清抗體盛行率為:有袋目(55.77%,n=52)的袋鼠科(63.04%,n=46);食肉目(53.13%,n=335)的熊科(70.00%,n=44)、貓科(57.69%,n=156)及犬科(37.86%,n=103);偶蹄目(40.57%,n=212)的牛科(46.39%,n=97)及鹿科(29.79%,n=94);靈長目(30.95%,n=336)的長臂猿科(44.44%,n=63)、人科(32.18%,n=87)及猴科(26.51%,n=166)以及齧齒目(12.20%,n=41)的鼠科(9.38%,n=32)。利用統計分析發現,動物的弓蟲血清抗體盛行率或力價和性別無關,但與其種別、科別、目別和所展示的館區有極顯著相關。本研究為首篇廣泛調查臺灣動物園動物之弓蟲血清抗體盛行率的報告。


抗體 乳膠凝集試驗 血清學 弓蟲 動物園


Toxoplasma gondii infection is widespread and of economic as well as public health importance. To provide basic data for studying the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis and for a further prevention and control of this disease in Taipei Zoo animals, the prevalences of antibodies to T. gondii were measured using latex agglutination test. Animal sera used were from 1,107 animals frozen and preserved in Taipei Zoo in 2000, including 5 species of reptiles, 25 species of birds and 112 species of mammals (belonging to 23 orders and 49 families). It was found that a total of 84 species of 429 animals (belonging to 13 orders and 28 families), including 1 species of reptiles, 7 species of birds and 76 species of mammals, were positive in T. gondii antibodies with overall seroprevalence being 38.75 %. The prevalences of T. gondii antibodies in the families and orders with more than 30 animals being analyzed were: Macropodidae (63.04%, n=46) in Marsupialia (55.77%, n=52); Ursidae (70.00%, n=44), Felidae (57.69%, n=156) and Canidae (37.86%, n=103) in Carnivora (53.13%, n=335); Bovidae (46.39%, n=97) and Cervidae (29.79%, n=94) in Artiodactyla (40.57%, n=212); Hylobatidae (44.44%, n=63), Hominidae (32.18%, n=87) and Cercopithecidae (26.51%, n=166) in Primates (30.95%, n=336) and Muridae (9.38%, n=32) in Rodentia (12.20%, n=41). Statistical analysis indicated that the prevalences or antibody titers in animals were not sex-dependent but were closely related to their species, families, orders, and exhibition locations. This is the first extensive survey on the prevalences of T. gondii antibodies in zoo animals in Taiwan.


Chen, J. C. (2015). 臺灣野生鳥類弓蟲抗體盛行率調查 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.02455
