  • 期刊


The Adjuvant Efficacies of the Plasmid Containing Multiple Copies of Avian-Specific CpG Motif Coadministrated with Poultry Vaccines in Chickens


未甲基化之CpG模組(CpGmotif)已知具有多重促進哺乳動物免疫細胞活性之效能,被視為具有醫療或免疫製劑之佐劑功能。本研究以具有促進雞隻免疫活性的家禽特異性CpG模組特定序列,建構為含多套數CpG模組之重組質體(pHCLS)作為家禽疫苗佐劑,分別搭配雞新城病(Newcastle disease;ND)組織培養之不活化疫苗(NDTC),或商用ND、傳染性支氣管炎(infectious bronchitis;IB)、傳染性華氏囊病(infectious bursa disease;IBD)之家禽多價不活化疫苗進行雞隻免疫實驗。實驗結果顯示pHCLS搭配NDTC可顯著增加抗ND之特異性血球凝集抑制抗體力價、促進周邊血液單核球細胞之增殖作用及脾臟細胞CD4/CD8細胞表面抗原比值,於搭配ND-IB-IBD之家禽多價疫苗可顯著增加ND及IBD之特異性抗體力價。因此,pHCLS無論搭配NDTC或含ND之家禽多價疫苗,皆可有效增加免疫動物之ND特異性抗體力價。


Unmethylated CpG motifs are capable of evoking a range of immunostimulatory effects in vertebrates and have tremendous potential to be used as therapeutic agents and adjuvants. In this study, adjuvant efficacies of the plasmid with multiple copies of the avian-specific CpG motif (pHCLS) coadministrated with a Newcastle disease-cell cultured inactivated vaccine (NDTC) or a NDinfectious bronchitis (IB)-infectious bursa disease (IBD) multivalent vaccine were evaluated in chickens. Results showed that the pHCLS significantly increased the ND hemagglutination inhibition titers (HI), cell proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and CD8(superscript +)/CD4(superscript +) ratio of splenocytes when coadministrated with the NDTC vaccine. In addition, pHCLS co-administrated with the ND-IB-IBD multivalent vaccine significantly enhanced serum antigen-specific antibody-titers against ND and IBD as compared with those in other groups without pHCLS as an adjuvant. These results indicated that pHCLS significantly enhances the immunity in vivo to protect the vaccinated animals from ND infection when it was coadministrated with the ND vaccine or a poultry ND-containing multivalent vaccine.
