  • 期刊


Case Report: Frontal Bone Infection and Secondary Encephalopathy Caused by Improper Thermal Disbudding in a Goat Kid


病畜為約四週齡雌性賴滿嬌仔羊,曾於兩週齡時進行去角芽術,但2週後漸漸呈現步伐僵硬、木馬樣站立、無法張口、角弓反張等臨床症狀。病畜死亡後進行剖檢,其外觀脫水消瘦,去角芽處之傷口結疤乾燥。腦部病變以腦水腫為主,右側去角芽處下方之相對應顱骨橫斷面與硬腦膜面呈暗紅色。大腦及小腦之區域性腦膜充血,腦膜上附著少量白色纖維物質。大腦組織呈液化壞死且腦迴平坦,右腦迴由大腦幕下方轉向移入左大腦,大腦中線向左偏斜,右大腦側腦室變形且縮小。小腦蚓部輕度突入枕骨大孔。腦脊髓液抹片中有少量淋巴球及纖維素。組織病理學檢查,額骨外板全為死骨,額竇黏膜中度炎症反應,額骨內板骨皮質部可見以嗜中性球為主之局部亞急性化膿灶。軟腦膜上可見血管充血與少量嗜中性球。大腦皮質最外層分子層疏鬆化,區域性腦實質神經元皺縮,血管充血且神經毯血管周圍間隙擴大,區域性神經纖維有脫髓鞘現象。由腦脊髓液及大腦幕、小腦簾處採樣進行細菌培養,經Biolog®微生物鑑定系統鑑定為Corynebacterium camporealensis。本病例最終診斷為以不當燒烙去角芽術引起仔羊之額骨感染與繼發性腦病變。


仔羊 去角芽 腦病變


A 4-week-old, female LaMancha kid had shown inability to chew, stiff gait, rigid extension of the limbs, and opisthotonos 2 weeks after disbudding. The patient was referred for necropsy soon after death. Examination revealed emaciation and scabs on the head at the disbudded site. Gross lesions were confined to an edematous brain, in which there was severe hyperemia of the cerebrum and cerebellum. A small quantity of opaque whitish fibrin covering on the dark-red meninges was visible beneath the skull lesion of the right disbudding site. Remarkable liquefaction of the cerebrum with flattened gyri, deviation of the right gyrus under the falx cerebri, and deviation of interventricular septum to the left with distortion of the right ventricules were noticed. Cerebellar tonsil moved downward through the foramen magnum. Direct smears of cerebrospinal fluid showed a small number of lymphocytes with fibrin. Histopathological examinations revealed diffuse necrotic osteocytes in the external plate of frontal bone, moderate inflammation of the frontal sinus mucosa, and the presence of subacute suppurative lesion, predominantly neutrophil infiltrations in the cortex of the internal plate of frontal bone. Small numbers of neutrophils were present in the cerebral pia mater, in which meningeal vessels were hyperemic. The superficial cerebral cortex consisted of a loose area with a hyperemic appearance, in which some capillaries in the neuropil showed a distinct perivascular space. Moreover, shrunken neurons and segmental demyelination were observed in some regions. Swab specimens were obtained from the cerebrospinal fluid, falx and tentorium cerebella for bacterial isolation. The isolated colonies were identified to be Corynebacterium camporealensis (99%) using the Biolog® system. A definitive diagnosis of frontal bone infection and secondary encephalopathy caused by improper thermal disbudding in a goat kid was made.


encephalopathy goat kid thermal disbudding
