  • 期刊


Comparison of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Shedding Patterns in Pigs Raised Using Farrow-to-finish and Two-site Production Models


為了解分地式飼養法是否可以有效阻斷豬環狀病毒(orcine circovirus type 2; PCV2)水平感染,本試驗挑選一個遭受PCV2感染之豬場,選取60頭4週齡無PCV2 感染豬隻,於四週齡離乳後逢機分成4組。A組豬隻移至正壓動物舍飼養;B組豬隻移至另一清淨且鄰近無飼養豬隻之豬舍;C組豬隻移至原豬場內另一棟清潔消毒後之空豬舍;D組豬隻則留於原豬場內原保育豬舍內。各組豬隻於4-16週齡間,每週定期採集唾液、鼻黏液、糞便拭子及血液,進行PCV2檢測。結果顯示,A及B組豬隻於試驗期間採集之各式樣品均無檢出PCV2,豬隻亦無任何之臨床症狀及死亡。C及D組豬隻分別於8-11週齡間及8-13週齡間排毒,排毒比率分別為40%及42%,豬隻死亡率分別為0%及20%。上述結果顯示,不同飼養管理模式對豬群PCV2之排毒模式有明顯之差異,以分地式飼養模式可降低豬群之PCV2排毒期及死亡率。


To compare porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) shedding routes and duration in pigs raised using different production systems, sixty 4-week-old PCV2-negative weaning pigs from a PCV2-contaminated farrow-to-finish herd were randomly divided into four groups. Pigs in groups A and B were moved to and raised in a positive pressure animal room and a clean and empty herd, respectively. Group C pigs were housed in an isolated pen of the original herd. Group D pigs were kept in the same pen as other conventional pigs. Nasal, oropharyngeal, and faecal swabs and blood samples were collected weekly during aged 4-16 weeks to detect PCV2 nucleic acid. No PCV2 DNA existed in samples acquired from pigs in groups A and B during the sampling period. No clinical signs of fever or growth retardation existed and animal deaths were recorded. In group C pigs, PCV2 shedding was detected in 40% of test pigs aged 8-11 weeks, but without mortality. Group D pigs had PCV2 shedding of 42% when aged 8-13 weeks, with 20% mortality during the test period. These results indicate that using a two-site production model has advantage on the control of PCV2 shedding. Separating nursery pigs from the original PCV2 shedding pig population in farrow-to-finish herds should reduce horizontal transmission of PCV2.


