  • 期刊


The Protective Ability of Ganoderma lucidum and Bacteriocin for Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis Infection in Broiler


本試驗的目的為評估於飼料中添加細菌素與靈芝,對白肉雞感染腸炎沙門氏菌(Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis; SE)的保護能力;另以添加泰黴素與六肽黴素為陽性對照組;含有添加處理的雞隻,亦再細分為經SE感染或未經感染組。試驗雞隻於5日齡時口服投予SE,試驗期間共進行13次SE採樣。試驗的結果顯示,就降低SE感染的效果而言,細菌素與靈芝兩者均無法有效預防與控制SE所引起的死亡。對附帶秤量的最終體重而言,六肽黴素餵食組雞隻體重較細菌素(p = 0.028)與靈芝組(p = 0.023)為重。總結所得,早期餵食靈芝與細菌素均無法有效預防與控制SE的感染,對6週齡的體重亦與陰性對照組間無顯著性的差異。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the protective ability of bacteriocin and Ganoderma lucidum from Salmonella enteric serovar Enteritidis (SE) infection in broiler. Tylosin and nosiheptides were used as positive controls. The four different compounds treated groups were further divided into w/wt SE challenge. SE was administered by stomach tube at day five. During the whole experimental period, thirteen sample points were set for SE isolation. Our results indicated that both bacteriocin and Ganoderma lucidum couldn't protect broilers from SE challenge. Comparing the final body weight, only nosiheptide treated group had the higher average body weight than bacteriocin or G. lucidum treated group at day 42 (p = 0.028 and 0.023, respectively). In conclusions, neither bacteriocin nor G. lucidum could give satisfied protection for broiler from SE challenge. Besides, both tested feed additives did not show significant effect on the final body weight of broiler.
