  • 期刊


Recearch on Moso People's Ceremony of Manhood-The Field Research on Moso People's Ceremony of Manhood in Zuosuo Sichuan





摩梭人 成年禮 母屋 符號


This paper is a result of field research and deep interview, which is aimed to stud Moso people's tradition conducted to today of the ceremony of manhood for 13 years old children held in the new year's first day according to the lunar calendar in Zuosuo Sichuan And through the higher criticism on the symbols' meaning and the interpretation of ”competing” phenomenon, it is proved that the ceremony has the educational value and social meaning for Moso children's socialization of sex roles the forming of nationality's identity and consciousness of collective, and the learning of the behavioral criterion and ethical thoughts. So it is an effective strategy of processing. plural-cultural education, keeping the features of nationality, and promoting the society's development to learn and study the alternating meaning of Moso people's ceremony of manhood, research and develop the tribe nationality's excellent traditions and also step out the social and cognitive defaults caused by the simple style of putting hope on law to regulate the age of manhood.


Moso people ceremony of manhood mother's room symbol
