  • 期刊


The Application of Teaching Games for Understanding to the Selective Course of Table Tennis




Long time in the past, physical education in Taiwan emphasized learners' skills development, but with the continuous changes in instructional methods, many innovative teaching approaches have been integrated into physical education courses, which express student-oriented instruction, aiming to develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving ability rather than the stereotyped demonstration by the teacher or repeated practice by the students. Physical education in instructional institutes needs to deal with a transitional challenge when the great demands on curriculum reform and teaching innovation are required in response to the current trends of rapid changes and shift. The teaching objectives for general physical education include primarily of motor skills domain (motor skills and physical fitness), affective domain (emotional values and social behavior attitude), cognitive domain (knowledge, strategy, and cognitive ability). Therefore, physical education teachers should pay attention to whether the three domains of skills, affection, and cognitive ability are integrated into the teaching process. However, teachers still customarily assess their students by the proficiency level of the sports skills. Naturally, students tend to lack self-confidence in learning sports and lose their interest in learning eventually. The approach of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) is adopted alternatively to divert the previous focus on the sport skills to the development of students' cognitive abilities, emphasizing the characteristics of ball sports and tactical awareness as well as training students' decision-making, judgment, and spatial use abilities in addition to the motor skills of sports. The TGFU method features the starting point of games, allowing learners to understand the application of tactics and strategies from games, fostering their independent thinking and teamwork, and thereby enhancing the sense of participation and learning pleasure. Based on the facilitating role of TGFU, this article will explore the integration of such a comprehensive-based teaching approach into the selective course of table tennis by means of designing course units with competition games to provide physical education teachers with vivid teaching strategies for their capabilities to come up with more diversified course design and to enhance students' learning achievements.


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