  • 期刊


Indispensable Response to the Time-Discussions on the Strategies of Renewal Exhibition in National Science & Technology Museum


本文係以館員的身分及立場,針對國立科學工藝博物館的常設展示更新策略進行討論。在歲入減少、負面評價與時代變遷等多方面的考量之下,推動常設展示的更新,是科工館提振觀衆吸引力與重塑展廳風貌的必要手段;在針對時間、空間、內部管理與外部資源等四個面向進行探討後,本文就基本策略、主題策略與執行策略三大部分提出建議。在基本策略部分,包括:將展示更新視為是博物館回應時代腳步的必然,轉變常設展示的角色成為科技專業與大衆的溝通管道,以分批、逐步的方式推動展示更新,同時將展示更新視為是一種與企業合作的良好平台。在主題策略部分,包括:以歷史意義與本土意義作為展示主題取材的標準,從館內的空間脈絡與參觀動線層面來考量不同主題展示廳的位置,並將展示視為蒐藏、研究與教育之具現。在執行策略部分,包括:由專案負責人主導,尋求與館外建立多元化的良好合作關係,提昇公關行銷於館內的位階與層級,以更彈性與靈活的手腕,開拓並塑造博物館良好形象,並以科學化的方式進行周密、即時、完整的觀衆意見調查。 本文希望:藉由真實面對觀衆的參觀感受與期待,凝聚與整合館內各部門的觀點與力量,並在外部資源的豐沛支持之下,常設展示更新將使科工館能夠在回應時代變遷的同時,密切反映出本土的脈動,並與當代觀衆之生活有密切的關聯。


Being an employee of the National Science & Technology Museum, the author would discuss the strategies of renewal exhibition. Due to the funding cut, negative assessment result and the changes of time, it is necessary for the museum to attract people as well as to present a brand-new gallery by renewing permanent exhibition. After discussing time, space, internal management, and external resources, this paper will provide suggestions on three fields: basic strategy, theme strategy and executive strategy. Basic strategy includes remodeling gallery, replacing the role of exhibits with the access to communicate with people. The renewal of the exhibition shall be done step by step. The renewal is considered as a good base and a chance to cooperate with enterprises. Theme strategy includes selecting subjects which are able to present historical and local senses. Showrooms should be designed according to the layout of the museum and the lines. Moreover, exhibit should contain the values of collection, research, and education. Executive strategy includes that professional leaders conduct to look for more cooperation and build better relations with experts in other fields to upgrade the status and function of Public Relation Department. In addition, the goal is to build a good image of the Museum with flexible and vivid methods and conduct surveys with a more scientific, advanced and complete way. It is expected to collect and organize various viewpoints and powers from each department to care for the audience's feeling and satisfy their expectation. With the supports with abundant external resource, the renewal exhibition in the Museum can not only respond to the changes of the time and reflect the local trend but also make connection with the audiences.




