  • 期刊


Exploring the Factors to Satisfy the Experience Expectations of Museum Visitors


近代博物館越來越以觀眾為主體,從而帶動觀眾研究的興起。過去,對於觀眾體驗期待的研究相對較少。其中,Sheng and Chen(2011)的研究將觀眾體驗期待進行分類,但沒有清楚說明,哪些博物館情境有助於觀眾滿足其體驗期待。本研究針對此一缺口進行探討,亦即探究博物館的哪些情境與觀眾體驗期待有關。首先,我們進行五場焦點座談以收集資料,並進行敘說分析,整理出不同體驗期待的滿足因素。例如,現場人員的態度與親切感,愉悅的音樂、場景或表演,誘發與滿足好奇心的場景,以及輕鬆適當的休憩安排等等,都能滿足觀眾對於輕鬆自在的體驗期待,而對於文化娛樂、身份認同、歷史懷舊以及跳脫現實這四種體驗期待,本研究也彙整出相關的滿足因素。最後,我們將這些滿足因素分成兩類,包括博物館單方面可以做到的以及必須透過行銷規劃與活動才有可能實現的滿足因素,並建議博物館可以先思考自己定位,然後調查觀眾期待,再就其間的差距進行管理,例如先就一些博物館單方面可實現的滿足因素著手,並持續針對第二類滿足因素進行改善。如此,將有助於建立與滿足符合其定位的觀眾期待。


Modern museum places much importance on visitors and such a phenomenon brings lots of visitor study. Many researchers argued that to understand the experience of visitors and to satisfy the expectations of visitors is valuable. But related researches are less. Sheng and Chen's research in 2011 classified the experience expectations of visitors into five categories. Nevertheless, they didn't clarify what kind of museum situations can satisfy the experience expectations of visitors. This study tries to make up this gap. Firstly, we carried out five focus group meetings and then using narrative analysis to extract the factors satisfying the experience expectations of visitors. For example, staff's kindly attitude, delighted music, curiosity satisfied situation, and a place for recreation are the factors possibly to satisfy the expectation of easiness and fun. Factors for other four categories are also extracted and after all we have some discussions and propose a few suggestions for museum management and further studies.


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