  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Requirements of Curators in Science Museum


國內近年來博物館紛紛設立,投入展示策劃的人員日漸增多,顯見針對博物館的策展者的研究理應受到重視。科學博物館的策展者作為科學知識轉化為展示的重要角色,其任務本質上與科學教育的推廣相仿,為非制式教育重要的一環,加上博物館展示策劃與執行的複雜性高,策展時的問題解決順暢與否可能攸關展示的內容和品質。本研究以國內9 位資深策展者作為研究對象,透過質性研究之深度訪談的蒐集,以探究科學博物館策展者應具備的條件以及對新手策展者如何養成的看法。本研究之主要結論如下:一、科學博物館策展者應有串連組織的能力、人際溝通的能力、懷抱對展覽的熱情、具有先備知識等四個條件。二、對於新手的養成,博物館應有前輩帶領從做中學、熟悉行政作業、有充份時間去接觸各種事物的環境支援等三項建議。對於策展者應具備的能力條件之探討,未來或可發展作為博物館策展人員選用的檢核依據,對於科學博物館策展實務而言應有參考價值。


The number of employees entering the field of exhibit planning has increased in response to the recent increase in the number of museums established in Taiwan. Therefore, research on museum curators should receive more attention. The curators of science museums have an important role for the transformation of scientific knowledge into exhibitions. The nature of this task is similar to the promotion of science education, and it is an important aspect of informal education. Furthermore, because museum exhibition planning and implementation is highly complex, smooth problem solving during curation is closely related to the contents and quality of the exhibitions. This study examined nine experienced curators as research subjects through qualitative in-depth interviews. The purpose was to investigate the requirements of curators in science museum and curators' opinions about the cultivation of novices. The main conclusions are: 1.Curators of science museums should have four requirements: (a) cross-departmental abilities, (b) interpersonal communication abilities, (c) passion for exhibits, and (d) prior knowledge. 2.Regarding the cultivation of novices, the following three suggestions emerged: (a) the museum should have senior curators to guide their learning, (b) they should be made familiar with administrative tasks, and (c) they should have sufficient time exposure to the environmental support available regarding tasks. This study on curators' characteristics could provide a basis on which future museum curators could be selected. Thus, these results have reference value for the curatorial practices of scientific museums.


science museums curators experts novice


林清山譯、Mayer, R. E.(1992)。教育心理學:認知取向。台北:遠流。
