  • 期刊


Christian Muses under Nationalism-An Examination on the Literary Works of the Truth Weekly


《真理週刊》是1923年,由七位中國基督徒所創辦的雜誌,雖然其單獨發行的時間只有幾年(後與《生命月刊》合併),但其為20年代基督教界一份非常突出,也非常受到教會界矚目的刊物。它有二個特色,一、純粹為國人出資辦的刊物,沒有外國人參與,自編自寫,立場不受外人影響,主要在對時論發表意見,具有強烈的愛國主義精神。二、創辦及日後加入這刊物的中國人,多是當時社會上的菁英份子,如燕京大學的吳雷川、劉廷芳、李榮芳等人,與北京基督教青年會的幹事,如徐寶謙、張欽士、胡學誠、吳耀宗,均是學術界與教會界知名人士。 《真理週刊》可以說是平津一帶基督教知識份子在北伐前的時論刊物。從1923年4月1日出第1卷第1期,全年52期,直至1926年3月22日止,共發行三年157期。之後,它就與《生命月刊》合併,稱之為《真理與生命》。至此就不再是純粹為國人自辦之刊物,而《真理週刊》原有的強烈國家主義之色彩就大為淡化。本文不在探討《真理週刊》中的時論,而是將注意力集中在這份關心國是刊物中的文藝著作。因為在《真理週刊》中有為數不少的藝文作品,如小說、新詩、散文等。其發刊時正值1919年五四運動後的激情時期,發行地點又在北京,故在1923年創刊的《真理週刊》,不啻繼承關切國是的傳統,在宗教的情懷下為文,也同時藉著文藝的創作表達其愛國思想,甚至是用文藝作品傳達教義,形成所謂的「基督教文學」。本文即是從這個角度來切入探討,做分析比較。


The Truth Weekly was founded by seven Chinese Christians in 1923. Although this magazine only operated independently for a few years (later merged with The Life Monthly), it was an outstanding Christian magazine and attracted lots of attention from the Christian circles. It has two major characteristics. First this was a completely independent and self-support Christian magazine without any participation of foreigners. Because of this background, this magazine had become a public forum so that all the authors could freely express their viewpoints on the affairs of the day. It has revealed a strong sentiment of nationalism. Second, the founders and associate members were elite Christians of the time, such as Wu Leichuan, Liu Tingfang, Li Rongfang of Yenjing University and Xu Paochian, Zhang Qingshi, Hu Xuecheng, Wu Yaocong of the YMCA. The Truth Weekly can be considered a magazine of Christian intellectuals in the area of Beijing and Tianjin before the Northern Expedition. From the first issue (April 1, 1923 to the last issue (March 22, 1926), this weekly had moved on for three years with a publication of 157 issues. After that, it was merged with The Life Monthly to become The Truth and Life. Then it would no longer a purely Chinese-owned magazine and the original nationalistic color began to fade away. The focus of this article is not their viewpoint on the affairs of the day, but the literary works of this weekly. This weekly contained a number of literary works, including novels, poetry and prose. This publication came out right after the May Fourth Movement and its location was also at the center of the Movement. Therefore this Weekly was influenced by the nationalistic environment. Naturally, the contributors of this weekly composed their works under both Christian influence and nationalistic sentiments. It can be said that an indigenous Christian literature gradually came into being. An analysis of the literary works of the Weekly will help us understand better the budding stage of Christian literature in China and also the interaction between Christianity and nationalism in early Republican China.


Barnett, Suzanne Wilsoned.、Fairbank, John Kinged.()。
何凱立、陳建明譯、王在興譯(2004)。基督教在華出版事業, 1912-1949。成都:四川大學出版社。
