  • 期刊

何謂市場?對Knorr Cetina理論的評介

What are Markets? An Introduction to Cetina's Theory and Its Critics


在經濟社會學的脈絡中,市場被視為競爭的網絡結構,或是鑲嵌於社會制度、文化下的客體。但這種認識方式,隨著金融市場研究的出現,逐漸出現另一種看法。市場,是一個物質與社會力量上可以被行動者確認的結構嗎?或者是一個吸附各種客體,形成一個形上認識的黑洞結構呢? 德國社會學家Knorr Karin Cetina提出一系列的研究與論證,說明金融市場獨特的資訊和知識的流動過程,造就了金融市場不同於其他市場的客體性質。這不僅於適用於金融市場,同樣也提供我們反省現今對於市場的政治經濟學解讀方式,或是傳統經濟社會學對於市場的概念理解。本文將分成幾個部分,首先簡述經濟社會學對於市場的理解與脈絡,其次將拆解Knorr Cetina對於市場概念的建構方式,突破哪些既有的窠臼。最後將從階層的角度對其理論提出批判,藉以找出金融市場中知識結構的研究對現代社會有何貢獻。


In the context of economic sociology, markets are treated as a competitive network, or as entities embedded in social institutions and cultural norms. Nevertheless, this understanding of markets has changed following the emergence of recent studies on financial markets. Which state that market structures can be perceived through material and social forces that markets are epistemically uncertain structure attached to information flows. German sociologist Knorr Karin Cetina introduces a series of studies on financial markets. She argues that financial markets differ from other kinds of markets due to their own specific information and knowledge flow processes. This new understanding of market operations can not only be applied to studies on financial markets, but also helps to rethink the market concept as defined by political economy and traditional economic sociology. There are three parts to this paper. Firstly, the concept of markets from the viewpoint of economic sociology is outlined. Then, Cetina's ideas and contributions are explained. Finally, stratification perspectives are employed to criticize Cetina's works.


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