  • 學位論文


A Research on Strategic Fit of Competition Strategy and Brand Strategy to Brand Equity-Hi-Tech Industry Technology Adoption Life Cycle Perspective

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


論文摘要 依據Interbrand的分析;一個好的品牌,除了可以「創造比競爭者更高的營收外,也將可確保(secure)未來的營收會如期到來」。因此,「品牌的經營」已成為目前台灣高科技廠商在毛利偏低的代工業務下最關注的議題。 然而,品牌的建立乃是一持續而長久的承諾,其中充滿了極高的不確定性與高度的資源投入,而在高科技產業急速壓縮的生命週期之下更顯不易。因此高科技廠商必須採取截然不同的品牌策略予以因應。 由於高科技產業具有迥異於一般消費性產品的特性,因此廠商如何在競爭激烈、高度不確定性、產品生命週期短促、需高度資本投入的高科技產業中,配合自身的競爭優勢並選擇最適的時點來創立品牌,是目前業者所急需思考的議題。 有鑒於此,本研究即從高科技產業特殊的產業環境及市場需求特性出發,藉由Moore(1999)所提出之技術採用生命週期觀點作為本研究之系絡變數。以分析高科技廠商在不同技術採用生命週期下之競爭策略與品牌策略的抉擇及其考量,以及其對品牌權益的影響。冀希能藉此研究提供一個高科技廠商在創立品牌時的參考架構。 本研究採用個案研究法,以台灣四家成功創立品牌的高科技廠商; 神達電腦、大霸電子、台灣超軟、明基電通作為研究對象,並依據其創立品牌時所處的技術採用生命週期階段與廠商所採取的策略進行分析。 在經由深度訪談及次級資料的分析與個案彙整後,本研究發現: 1.早期市場階段高科技廠商可採取差異化-品牌延伸策略創立品牌 2.保齡球道階段高科技廠商可採取差異化-自創品牌策略創立品牌 3.龍捲風暴階段高科技廠商可採取成本領導-自創品牌策略創立品牌 4.康莊大道階段高科技廠商可採取成本領導-自創品牌策略或是差異化-品牌延伸策略創立品牌 最後本研究歸納出高科技廠商創立品牌時所必須採取的五個主要步驟。並針對消費性電子廠商採取「技術採用生命週期」觀點創立品牌時所必須予以修正的各要項作一建議與說明。


ABSTRACT Based on Interbrand analysis; A good brand, besides may "the creation compared to a competitor higher earning, also might guarantee (secure) the future earning to be able as scheduled to arrive". Therefore, "the brand management" has become the present Taiwan high tech factory the topic which most pays attention under the gross profit somewhat low generation of labor service such as OEM. However, the brand establishment was as soon as continues but the long-time promise, in which has filled the extremely high uncertainty with the high resources investment, but reveals under the life cycle which the high tech industry rapidly compressed not easily. Therefore the high tech factory must adopt the entirely different brand strategy to give in accordance to. Because the high tech industry has different to the general consumer product characteristic, therefore factory in the competition intense, highly uncertainty, the product life cycle is short, must highly in the capital investment high tech industry, coordinates own competitive advantage and chooses the most suitable point in time to establish the brand, is at present industry urgently needs to think over the subject. In view of this, this research namely study from the high tech industry special industry environment and the market demand characteristic, the affiliation by Moore (1999) proposed the technology adoption life cycle viewpoint to take this research the context variable. Analyzes the high tech factory to use under the different technology adoption life cycle view its the competition strategy and the brand strategy choice and its the consideration, by and its to brand r equity influence. And expect can take advantage of this the research to provide a high tech factory in establishment brand time to reference. This research adopt the case study method ,At present Taiwan have four high tech factory to establish successful brand as the research object, and based on its establishment brand when locates the technology uses the strategy which the life cycle stage and the factory adopts strategy to carry on the analysis. After collects entire data by in–depth interview and the reference papers analysis, this research discovered: 1. In the early market stage, the high tech factory may adopt the difference – brand strategy to extend establishment its brand. 2. In the bowling alley stage, the high tech factory may adopt the difference – creative brand strategy establishment its brand. 3. In the tornado stage, the high tech factory may adopt the cost leadership – creative brand strategy establishment its brand. 4. In the main street stage, the high tech factory may adopt the cost leadership – creative brand strategy or the difference - brand extends the strategy establishment its brand. Finally this research conclude when the high tech factory establish the brand must to adopt five main steps. Various important items which and aims at the consumable electronic factory to adopt "technology adoption life cycle view" when viewpoint establishment brand must give to revise to make a suggestion and the explanation.


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